We have only one life and only one place to live it - so it makes sense to look after the third rock from the sun. We’re constantly searching for better energy sources, with gas putting its hand up as a viable alternative to hydrocarbons for a number of applications. If you’ve been considering a transition from the grid to a hybrid or gas solution for your energy needs, visit The Gas Company for all your options and the best advice. Brought to you by The Gas Company.

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23.12.20 Pt 2 - This holiday season, remember that it’s better to be smart than safe - especially as you choose who to party with, because some people just don't know their limits. The team ends this pandemic-cursed year with a look forward to 2021.

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Is corruption always to the detriment of a state? Is it ever necessary for quantum leaps in societal progress? Are there any countries in the developed world who have benefited from periods of corruption to become what they are? If you have corruption in your government and it leads to growth, at what stage do you start seeing diminishing returns? Would the Western world be what it is without corruption? Brought to you by The Gas Company.

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09.12.20 Pt 2 - Instead of being a big city yuppie, go to a small town to get a new license and then you don't have to cry about the impending fines. What should we teach children in school which would be useful... unlike teaching them the capital of Uruguay. What is the collective noun for a group of Karens?

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In a time of accelerated societal change and tremendous global complexity, how have the systems of government kept up with the advancement in the desire of people to live well with dignity and agency? Is centralisation still useful in the 21st century? Is the advent of technology a saviour, or a different chain on the ankle of citizens? Can a dictator ever be benevolent? Is there such a thing as a perfect society? Do we need a government at all? Brought to you by The Gas Company.

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Where did the idea of money come from? With human beings living in a global society of tremendous complexity, is the current model of fiat economies viable for the remainder of the 21st century? Are people too prone to corruption when they are in charge of money? Are banks a bottleneck within the movement of cash from central banks to citizens? Are digital economies stable enough to become the default mode of global financial interaction? Brought to you by The Gas Company.

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25.11.20 Pt 2 - Even in the pandemic-laden year 2020, people must still conspicuously consume and buy things they don't need... with money they don't have. What is your plan for Christmas? Is a New Year's party overrated? Would mankind be better off if we treated everyone like they were zombies? Is there a diluted version of being a Karen? What have Jehovah's Witnesses been doing during lockdown?

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Is our reliance on the state a good or a bad thing, and how does one manage this delicate balance of co-existence and mutual toil? Is banning a constructive way to move society forward? Do people have the right to be horrible? The systemic lockdowns undertaken globally during Covid-19... could they have been done in a better way? Is going off the grid a viable option for most of us who need energy supply for our daily lifestyles? Brought to you by The Gas Company.

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18.11.20 Pt 2 - Should we trust rich people who meditate? The SABC and its employees were as shocked as the President of South Africa when a failing business had to retrench people... these are the same journalists who tell you about the economy daily folks. What would you do if your wife said she was impregnated by the holy spirit and wouldn't have sex with you? And why can’t South Africans secure a home loan?

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Where does the concept of wokeness come from? Might there be a link between religion and the woke movement of our times? Is there an alternative to virtue signalling when looking for progress in terms of social justice? Are we at a breaking point when it comes to the ever tenuous bind between Western democracy and the need to serve an ever-growing list of individualistic needs? What are the possible consequences of the current woke movement? Brought to you by The Gas Company.

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