06.05.20 Pt 1 - Gord thinks he might want to get his cat to do the podcast. Elon Musk has had a baby with a human named Grime - the gender is... coming soon. Is William Smith the most fun possible on a TV screen? Tito is tweeting, and it's tantalising!

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05.05.20 Pt 2 - Cyril Ramaphosa is in a bit of a bind with the smokers and NDZ. Do we have to agree with everything our friends say to be friends with them? Jacob Zuma is starting a YouTube channel... get excited! Robert Zwane, Senior Executive at SAICA joins us for a brand new series called 'Be Accountable', in which he discusses SAICA and its dual function to the accounting industry and society at large. Blind History returns - this week's episode features King Louis XIV.

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05.05.20 Pt 1 - Does Star Wars get better with time or worse? The encyclopaedia was a source of knowledge, but Phumi learned about something else from those well-bound books. Murder hornets are in the USA now and the bees are in trouble. What have you realised you might need at China Mall?

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30.04.20 Pt 2 - Lockdown with a wife is not that bad if you love her or just obey her. It might work out for most leaders if they said to themselves more often, “We just don't know!” How and why is South Africa historically tied at the hip to Cuba? Lindiwe Zulu wears many bright hats, if only she would wear the political minister hat she's paid to wear.

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30.04.20 Pt 1 - Which Zuma is worse... one is going to jail, and it feels like the other one is keeping us in jail? Is banning smoking madness, or good for the masses? Just so you know, Stockholm is two things - a place and a syndrome. Plus, Adrian Campos joins us to discuss his take on Cuban doctors entering South Africa.

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29.04.20 Pt 2 - Everybody wants to break the shackles of lockdown and Gord says be ready for a fat guy on a bicycle! What would war be like with someone you like? Linda Reid, Head of Data at Lightstone, joins us to discuss the change in consumer behaviour during lockdown. Episode one of Shower Diaries presented by Sorbet Man features Aki Anastasiou... keep your grooming game strong!

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29.04.20 Pt 1 - Is working from home going to become the new norm when Covid-19 lockdown ends? Who in the GCS team would be murdered first by 'The Killer'? Is Dennis Rodman going to get Oprah cancelled? In a medieval dystopia, what weapon is best for survival?

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28.04.20 Pt 2 - Should we teach children how to have good relationships in school curriculums? Kim Jong-un may or may not be alive... either way, North Korea still has zero cases of Covid-19. Cancel culture has even reached Trevor Noah. Blind History is back, and this week we feature the Persian Empire!

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28.04.20 Pt 1 - How long has it been since you left your house? We each have an interesting family story about how they are dealing with life in lockdown. How do we govern for religious beliefs vs state law? Pat Robertson has solved Covid-19, and why it is upon us. And what are the best cult shows to watch?

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24.04.20 Pt 2 - Fake news is a problem, is Facebook a good filter? Grammy winner Wouter Kellerman talks about his upcoming Independent Music Awards nomination, and how he thinks the music industry and artists can survive through lockdown. Greg Walsh from G & G Productions has started safefund.org.za to help the events industry supply chain to raise funds.

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