20.05.20 Pt 1 - Joe Rogan has proven to be the most magnetic figure in the information game, and he just made bank. The nature of routine is good for you, especially in lockdown. Gotham is fantastic trash. We've all had one rich person who we just visited for their video games or pay per view television access haven't we? Tupperware tops and bottoms seem to get raptured separately... very annoying!

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19.05.20 Pt 2 - If you can communicate effectively, there's no reason you can't get two boyfriends during lockdown. Don't run with a mask, you might die. It turns out in order to step down as Prime Minister of Lesotho, you need to be accused of killing your ex-wife. JJ Cornish joins us to ask whether women lead better when peril ensues. Blind History returns... this week we feature Genghis Khan.

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19.05.20 Pt 1 - Having kids in lockdown is exhausting because of the incessant cooking. If you could just take a pill instead of needing food, would you? The secret with neighbours is to be chums, but not besties... people don't know their limits. Your first marriage should always be for money, the second one is for love.

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18.05.20 Pt 2 - If you are a cat owner, you know they don't go in the rain. It's important to note in South Africa that the word coconut means two things... we love 'Jaboolaani'. Are you a neanderthal if you make a bad cup of tea? And in news of saliva and zol, NDZ is now sliding into DMs on Twitter.

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18.05.20 Pt 1 - Unless there's cat vomit on your webinar, it's not great viewing. Chequebooks are ridiculous aren't they, it's 2020! Gareth might buy the Pope's car... bless him. You can socially distance and still preach the good word. And do Cubans just call them cigars?

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15.05.20 Pt 2 - OnlyFans is changing the lives of humans all over the world... nudes are a goldmine! Is it easier to work with no kids? Leigh-Ann is adored by fans, find out just how much. Booze will be sold by surname apparently, get your lists in now to friends with surnames starting with an A. The gospel for lockdown is to help where you can.

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15.05.20 Pt 1 - Siya believes he deserves to sit in a dark room and listen to Stevie Wonder if he wants to. Cardi B might be the Oracle, she knew this pandemic was real. How do you say the Q in a Xhosa word? And e-commerce is finally wide open in lockdown.

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14.05.20 Pt 2 - The medical fraternity did us no favours by not telling us to wear masks right away. What is the political cost of getting the policy around Covid-19 wrong? The political party in charge will change in 2024 - this was extrapolated in 2012 and sounded crazy, but the data tells us that it doesn't look so crazy now.

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14.05.20 Pt 1 - President Cyril Ramaphosa has been reduced to being the stepfather of the nation. The nature of corruption seems to be about poor policy, make corruption legal... and Bob's your uncle. The Bible has officially declared that Lance Armstrong would not get into heaven. Nqobile Ngema, our loyal listener, joins us to give feedback regarding the big debate that stirred the nation.

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13.05.20 Pt 2 - Lauren Martin, Head of Teaching and Learning at the South African College of Applied Psychology, joins us to detail the trauma of being an addict during lockdown. We are keeping our shower game strong with episode 3 of Sorbet Man Shower Diaries... this week featuring Shahan Ramkissoon.

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