10.06.20 Pt 1 - Mesh shirts in the gay community are very very 90s... that’s the breaking news from our chief gay reporter in the field, Siya Sangweni. There's a difference between the infantile and the grown-up tile. Timbuk One was nowhere near as good as Timbuk Two. Can history be improved by iconoclasts?

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09.06.20 Pt 2 - You may not believe it, but Jeffrey Epstein had a life partner - her name is/was Ghislaine Maxwell... and she's missing. The Sun will give you 10 000 Pounds if you find her. Trump held the bible upside down, is he the Antichrist? Gareth speaks to SANRAL's Inge Muller in our Be Accountable feature with SAICA, and Blind History is back with a bonus episode featuring plagues and pandemics!

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09.06.20 Pt 1 - Allowing plants to die are a sign that you should never become a parent. Could you imagine being part of a parent's evening Zoom call? What are New Zealand doing right to be open already? Taxis have raised prices by over 100% - is that ethical. And North Korea hates leaflets.

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08.06.20 Pt 2 - The games on your phone might be ageist. Is there anything more comical than a fat cop chasing a fat golfer? There's a controversial theory as to why Zimbabweans and Malawians don't get Covid-19. Warrick Kernes of Insaka eCommerce Academy joins us to discuss how the habits of consumers post-Covid-19 will compel most of us to become online consumers and vendors.

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08.06.20 Pt 1 - 43 is the new 40 and Leigh-Ann Mol is living proof of this scientific truth. Has lockdown pointed out to us who is of value? Are sportsmen and women grossly overpaid? Duccio's 'Madonna and Child' was great, but Madonna displaying her child on social media is cringeworthy. Jacob Zuma divorced a 25-year-old... pay back the lobola!

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05.06.20 Pt 2 - Astronauts are people too, they have fears. What a world we live in where children can dream of lighting their farts. Are human beings inherently lazy? Imagine being the only gay Zulu in the village? Timothy Maurice then joins us to talk about the dangers of passive consumption on social media.

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05.06.20 Pt 1 - Is Siya a Japanese uncle? Can you imagine having to deliver a baby and the mom is a surgeon? There's a hangover at the Mol home as freedom is being rolled out to South Africans at large. For some people the dream is beer and their Playstation, that's okay isn't it? "Girth at the bottom" is a term we need to embrace universally.

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04.06.20 Pt 2 - Is the court ruling about the unconstitutional nature of lockdown a great win for society at large, or potential disaster for the health of the nation? Has the government managed South Africa correctly during Covid-19? What are we to make of rioters?

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04.06.20 Pt 1 - Should you hold grudges, or just let it go? If you moved house during the pandemic, you deserve a medal. If you give somebody a horrible gift, what is an acceptable way for them to deal with that? Nobody wants to get Mbulelo as a gift. If you are from Lesotho, it's possible to go from First Lady to jail... what a wild ride!

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03.06.20 Pt 2 - When you party, you really should do it like there's a world record which you are aiming for. Sean Binder and Lyle Masters join us to discuss Mother City Drive-In, which will take us all back to being able to gather to enjoy the arts. You shouldn't shame strippers, it decreases the quality of your erection... nobody wants either of those things.

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