Timothy speaks with a neurosurgeon, Ian Human, who has had his life transformed by the birth of his baby boy. They discuss how Ian became a neurosurgeon and what he hopes to teach his son about his brain.

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Timothy speaks to Cognitive Science researcher Cameron Berg from Yale University about his groundbreaking Personality Project that attracted the interest of Yale’s Crocket Neuroscience Lab, and how he and his peers from five continents and 15 countries hope to influence the world by offering personality insights that are grounded in science and technology. Discovering your personality outline can save you a lot of social and career heartache and pain.

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Timothy sits down with 10 female investors and explores their journey of overcoming social and political challenges in order to fulfil their dreams of becoming financially independent. The diversity and variety of women in this episode reveals fascinating insights which will inspire both men and women to challenge their own mindsets, as you set out to accomplish your goals and dreams - especially when the odds are stacked against you. To find these female investors, Timothy partnered with Carlo Mariani and his investment community, The Property Hack Club.

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Timothy sits down with Natasha Thahane, star of global Netflix series, 'Blood and Water', to discover how she developed her mindset in order to operate at such a high level in her career. With 3.8 million followers on Instagram (she gained over 800,000 followers in just 9 months in 2020, and her star continues to rise), we wanted to discover what’s driving her success and what others can learn from her.

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Timothy interviews Michael Zapolin - known as Zappy, Psychedelics Concierge to the Stars in America. Zappy is on a mission to help people find happiness in themselves by helping them understand the science of psychedelics and to design a lifestyle where they get the most out of their brains. He has an upcoming documentary showing how he has helped celebrities such as Khloe Kardashian’s ex-husband Lamar Odom.

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Timothy speaks to MIT Professor, Dr Deborah Ancona, about the Immunity to Change - a theory pioneered by Harvard professors Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey. This short episode gives you the insight you need to understand your hidden, competing commitments that are more important than motivation and desire in your quest to change. It's hard, but you can change when you understand it.

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Timothy speaks to New York University Stern Professor Alixandra Barasch about her latest research which shows that when you’re immersed in your phone creating content, you’re not missing out - in fact, your immersion in the experience is enriched. Professor Barasch’s research goes counter to the prevailing narrative that ‘being on your phone’ reduces your experience. This episode offers practical strategies for both Marketers and Content Creators who hope to make deeper and more meaningful connections between consumer and brands... plus a few tips for them to elevate their game.

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Timothy Maurice interviews MIT Neuroscience Professor, Dr Tara Swart, in a 3-part Brain Power series to offer you a simple short course to help you get more out of your brain, and apply the latest brain research to your personal brand and leadership journey. Dr Swart is the author of the best selling books, ‘Neuroscience for Leadership’ and ‘The Source’. You will learn how to rewire your brain, how to boost memory recall, be more creative, and ultimately lead at a higher level.

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01.04.20 Pt 2 - Pamina Bohrer from the Italian Chamber unpacks the organisation's role in the bilateral relations between South Africa and Italy. Elena Williams is the Tiger Queen as she's rising to the call to help the needy during lockdown, both in Africa and Europe - while still doing her real job. Timothy Maurice asks whether pornography has any place in the philosophical and evolutionary debate of nature vs nurture... who knew that we'd one day see porn and philosophical enquiry in bed together?

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