Timothy speaks with Dr Christi Phillips, a co-author of 'Change: How to Turn Uncertainty into Opportunity'. Dr Phillips is Franklin Covey’s Director of Learning, Development and Inclusion... and a pioneering voice in Change Leadership. They explore change on a personal and professional level through the lens of brain science.

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Timothy shares the science of the Fresh Start effect, a behavioural science principle, and offers 3 strategies on how to implement this into your life.

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Timothy Maurice speaks to Ben Shields, Professor of Managerial Communications at MIT, and author of 'Persuasion in Networked Culture', about the power of persuasion and the strategic use of social media... plus the importance of having a targeted, practical plan on LinkedIn. Read the article on what business leaders can learn from sports here.

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Timothy Maurice partners with MIT Behavioural Science Research Lab to bring you meaningful and easy to apply research for your personal, leadership and brand journey. This partnership aims to have conversations with leading researchers and partners throughout MIT’s Behavioural Lab, and across their Business (Sloan) School about cutting edge insights into how humans make decisions and what drives us at our core. We want you to have the best and brightest insights on human behaviour!

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Timothy shares one of his favourite episodes - what he learned about influence from meeting Oprah. This is a bonus episode as he puts the finishing touches on episode 3 of the Arousal series.

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Timothy speaks to Veronica Villanueva, author of 'The Grace of Cancer', about how she bounced back from heartbreak, stage 4 cancer, and how she builds mental and physical resiliency.

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Timothy launches a 3-part series about ‘Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment’ - a book written about how the seemingly small and irrelevant things such as the weather, dietary choices, time of day, and more can influence your decision making. He hopes to inspire you to look at your unique circumstances to reduce the noise in your life, as well as connect with others by understanding their 'noise'.

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Timothy speaks to Salma Mousa, PhD about social cohesion under challenging circumstances. They explore two of her papers where she shares the data and insights of how footballers impact prejudice and what happened when Christians and Muslims were put on the same soccer team in post-ISIS Iraq. The conversation is delightful and insightful... and at the end, they explore practical ways to design inclusive spaces to reduce prejudice in your workplace and communities.

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Timothy catches up with regular guest neuroscientist Dr Tara Swart, author of the global bestseller, ‘The Source’ and MIT Sloan lecturer. In 5 short minutes, Dr Swart offers quick tips on how to give your brain more capacity to lead at the highest level, and even to deal with unconscious biases.

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Timothy speaks to Mei Xu, the author of ‘Burn: How Grit, Innovation, and a Dash of Luck Ignited a Multi-Million Dollar Success Story’. Mei Xu tells her story about moving from China to America, and building Chesapeake Bay Candle from her home’s basement. She also shares what she thinks are the key ingredients of her success, and why she is so dedicated to helping women-owned businesses on her new platform, YesSheMay.com.

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