Timothy sits down with Lisa Danels - author of ‘The Human Edge Advantage: Mastering the Art of Being All In’. They explore integrating and mastering the brain, heart and gut connection. Lisa has been advising executives across industries on their personal leadership goals for several decades, working with leaders at Thomson Reuters, AstraZeneca, VISA, Novartis, Allianz and many other well-known companies. This conversation is designed to help you kick off the year by bringing your full self to your goals and challenges.

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Timothy sits down with Thais Gibson, author of The Attachment Theory Guide and co-creator of the Personal Development School, to explore how your brain’s subconscious patterns are the reason you attach and bond to certain types of people… and how you can reprogramme how and why you attach - giving you greater control over bonding with the right people.

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Timothy Maurice explores happiness through the brain. This episode will help you reimagine what it means to be happy, and then design new ways to help you maintain a happiness mindset. He also shares his grassroots research about happiness.

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Timothy speaks with Anne Grady, the author of 'Mind over Moment: Harness the Power of Resilience'. They discuss the simple idea of how to create and channel a mindset that will help you get out of a mental rut so you can persue your passions, goals and dreams.

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Timothy explores the neuroscience of how women and men’s brains are wired differently, and why this matters to how you lead and engage each other. He ends the show with tips on how to boost your brain power for both women and men.

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Timothy explores how we derive pleasure from a level beyond what is said, to a hidden dimension of relationships, brands and experiences. This episode is for those wanting to have healthier relationships, connect to their consumers, and build greater influence.

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Timothy explores brain implications with Dr Loretta Breuning, author of ‘Habits of a Happy Brain’. They discuss why and how the brain produces unhappiness, and how to rewire your brain to experience more happiness. Dr Breuning shares practical strategies on how to develop your action plan for mental happiness.

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Timothy sits down with Embodiment Consultant and Storytelling Strategist, Colin Skelton, and they explore how the body influences the brain, and how to get more out of your brain by understanding the power of your body.

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Timothy shares a lesson for leaders and the creative community, about what you can learn from how the world reacted to Kim Kardashian wearing a dress that was previously worn by Marilyn Monroe. No matter what you think about the Kardashians or Monroe, the three insights from this story will help you understand how to create immense buy-in from the brains of your key stakeholders.

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Timothy welcomes back Emily Willingham, a penis scientist who has shifted her focus to study the brain - and she has a new book called 'The Tailored Brain: From Ketamine, to Keto, to Companionship, A User's Guide to Feeling Better and Thinking Smarter'.

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