The team delves into the state of literacy in the country, government plots and how to deal with blue light brigades. Phumi and Kanthan get into a heated debate about mining and the economy.

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13.07.23 Pt 2 - Gareth, Phumi and Kanthan get into government sex scandals, voter apathy, the mining economy, and how one should react to blue light brigades.

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04.07.23 Pt 1 - MKT makes a return to the show and has some strong opinions on the ANC’s legacy, the latest controversy involving Banyana Banyana… and he updates us on what he’s been up to over the last year. Gareth is frustrated after seeing a viral clip of the blue light brigade roughing up some citizens on the highway, and Bakh’abantu has a solution to fix any problem you have. JJ Cornish then jumps in for Africanalysis.

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