12.03.20 Pt 1 - Tom Hanks is basically dead, he’s got Covid-19. Saudi Arabia is under internal turmoil, the king is under siege. Vlad Putin is a gentleman, he just has a bad temper. Gareth’s finger is fine, coronavirus has no chance of killing him. If you need advice on how to stay healthy, here it is: Wash your hands you dirty pig! People in relationships probably get the least sex right? What happens if you laugh at Zambia’s president? And don’t hide your kids from your other kids.

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27.02.20 Pt 1 - What is in your food - do you care or are you just too hungry to give a toss? Henry Ford gave us the production line and the 8-5 workday... is he a genius or a monster? If you nap at the theatre are you a philistine? What ever happened to Fashion TV? Athi Geleba - is she lit or not? Siya bought a candle because Oprah said so, but he’s not influenced. And is Tito Mboweni the coolest guy on planet Earth?

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