Arguing for impact. Are ideas more powerful than people? Mbali believes so as ideas can last longer than people, but they are reliant on people to implement them. She has some important commandments to prove this, and how you can harness such wisdom for good in the argument stakes.

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Does something always have to be right or wrong? Do middle grounds exist within thinking and arguments? Mbali Njomane addresses all of this, along with how people's perceptions and preconceived ideas shut them off from learning more about people and everyday issues.

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Mbali's take on things is more than just refreshing, it's positively enlightening. In her weekly 'how to argue better' feature, she brings up emotions and morals, and what they mean in the greater scheme of things. You could be falling foul of things here without even knowing it, or be a little more balanced than you think.

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Mbali Njomane is back for another episode in the ‘How to Argue Better’ series, and today she tells Gareth and the team about survivorship bias, and who the last people you should take advice from are.

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Mbali Njomane from the Ma(i)de Sessions on CliffCentral joins Gareth in studio for a practical conversation around us improving our arguments. There are so many issues that people are throwing their weight behind in South Africa right now, but are they doing it effectively? From asking the right questions, to referencing the right sources, we can all learn something here.

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