Apple is planning on building a self-driving car, and they are debating whether to use their software or not. George shares some tips on how to reduce COVID-19 transmission in your car… the answer is so simple! Tesla plans to accept Bitcoin as a form of payment, and Leigh-Ann and Siya have a bit of a giggle. Powered by AutoTrader.

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19.11.20 Pt 1 - Is Joe Biden too relatable to be a politician and the leader of a nation? Do you have anyone you love in your life with a terrible voice, and you don't know how to tell them? Kamala Harris is this person to all of her friends. Dolly Parton is the last of a dying breed of stars, and she's done it again with her big heart. Is ass clapping a gift from birth, or can anybody make it clap with the right stripper training? Should people with tattoos be taken seriously?

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18.09.20 Pt 1 - Stop complaining about Apple, the products are fine, you can ignore phone calls now too. Is Silicon Valley biased to Biden? Self-awareness is a win... not just for you, it's a win for everyone. As humankind discovers the eye of the serpent, South Africa is still filling minibus taxis with the devil's lettuce. October 2020 is the time to travel - the pandemic gates are open globally and it's affordable.

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16.09.20 Pt 2 - Is there a constructive way to protest or should protest create chaos? Are beards a cool thing to have? Apple is now focusing on the health of humans... is that good, or are they out of ideas? Learning to be violent is important for all humans, controlled violence can be useful. What would be the most useless superpower? Real life superhero Dishal Sooku joins us to discuss how he saved a child from being kidnapped.  

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#AutoCentral Power Pod: “I'm not a petrolhead” - If you thought Apple's cellphone was a lifesaver, wait until you see the Apple Car, and how it might literally save your life. What is the difference between a petrolhead and an automotive enthusiast? Is it always cheaper to buy a car outright, what other options are there? SkyDrive Inc. is taking transportation to new heights. And Amazon is going to deliver your goods even faster. Powered by AutoTrader.

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