26.02.24 - Producer Ryan asks Dr Hanan how to cope with one of his biggest life changes, moving abroad. And Gareth questions people who medicate when one does not need to, regardless of the your poison of choice.

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Have you wondered why your child has a sudden change in their mood, sleeping patterns, or their eating habits? On this episode of the podcast, Lebang shares her personal experiences with raising a child with anxiety. She also provides signs, symptoms and tips of the mental condition so you can help heal your child and build a better tomorrow.

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Legendary South African funny man, Barry Hilton walks Gareth through his Covid business expansion, from corporate card games, to a new concept titled ‘My Life in 3D’ - a talk about Barry’s trifecta of struggles. He does a deep dive with Gareth about his journey over the years… moving out of the East Rand and into the Western Cape, as well as his journey through the “nut house”. No stone is left unturned in this interview, all while leaving you in stitches.

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Dr Hanan Bushkin weighs in on something Gareth and the team were discussing regarding children growing up overprotected. He also covers the reasons why we might want to stay young, instead of embracing growing older gracefully.

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A recent article in The Spectator magazine posed an intriguing question: “Is losing God making America miserable?”. The percentage of Americans believing in God has dropped from more than 90% in the period between 1944 and 2011, to 81% as of May 2022. The article further noted that depression and anxiety rates were at all-time highs. Association is not causation, but where do religion and our belief systems fit in to our lives… and are they necessary to live a fulfilled life? Dr Ian Westmore and Dr Lennart Eriksson weigh in on this week’s discussion. In proud association with Adcock Ingram OTC Sponsors of Brave.

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Pt 1 - Anxiety is a normal emotion. It’s your brain’s way of reacting to stress and alerting you of potential danger ahead. Have you ever suffered from social anxiety disorder, or do you suspect that you have? This episode will shed some light on the condition, and help you get the help that you might need.

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Childhood is supposed to be a happy, carefree time in our lives - but these days there are so many kids and teenagers who are struggling with anxiety, depression and other related mental health issues. To unpack this, we're joined again on Health Matters by our mental health expert Jeanie Cavé, a clinical psychologist who works with individuals, couples, families, groups, children and adolescents. Brought to you by Cipla.

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Ever felt super confident one moment and suddenly plagued with feelings of fear and anxiety the next? Willem joins the show to talk to Dr Hanan Bushkin about dealing with irrational fears. Dr Hanan shares tips on how to deal with moments like that, and the importance of creating a framework.

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Singer Nathan Ro joins us this week. He has lost 3 friends to suicide this year, and has some questions for Dr Hanan Bushkin about systematic depression, and why psychologists are so expensive. If you need help, you can contact the South African Depression and Anxiety Group on 0800 456 789 (24-hour helpline).

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This week Dr Hanan Bushkin chats to Mandla Mahlangu, who reached out to talk about his depression, anxiety, and mental health as a whole. They also dive into the bad treatment that mental health patients get at public healthcare facilities. Dr Hanan shares ways on how to overcome suicidal thoughts.

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