Angelo Agrizzi is the man who spilt the beans on Bosasa at the State Capture commission. In this interview, he also spills the beans on Gavin Watson’s death, crooked and venal politicians (and how cheaply they can be bought) and how he was poisoned. With the release of his second book, and plenty of frightening evidence, Angelo isn’t backing down - he’s upping the ante. Hear about the tactics of State Capture, the people involved, and the amounts of money that changed hands.

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03.12.20 Pt 1 - Singing isn't easy folks - if you are not gifted save it for the shower... you're making our ears bleed. How come rich people have terrible internet connections, what are they doing with their money? Is Wikipedia directly plugged into the simulation we are all living in, it declared Maradona dead before the doctors did.

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10.11.20 Pt 2 - If you are a parent who wants more money to spoil your husband or wife for being a great partner during lockdown, you should tell your kids Santa died from Covid. Angelo Agrizzi has been pictured looking worse for wear with what doctors are calling the 'Schabir shakes'... more to come. Ann Jangle joins the team to discuss her cycling adventure from South Africa to Kenya - from run-ins with elephants to hyenas sniffing her tent, she is truly a wandering spirit! And Blind History looks into the life of explorer extraordinaire, Lawrence of Arabia.

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For the umpteenth time, South Africans are having to hear the term "economic restructuring" as part of the recovery plan for the country's economy from the ANC-led government. Are we to trust Cyril Ramaphosa to lead us to the promised land, or should we be sceptical as citizens? Hunter Biden has possibly derailed his father's Presidential campaign... how will this go with only two weeks remaining until the US election? Brought to you by Nando’s.

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22.10.20 Pt 2 - How do you know what a good question is and do good questions always lead to definite answers? Ranjeni Munusamy seems to be the latest victim in the crosshairs of the EFF... what do we think? Trump might win, but what does Hillary have to say about that?

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Should we be testing everyone for Covid-19? Is there going to be a second wave in Johannesburg and if yes, is this a bad thing? What are the overall effects of the health sector's response to Covid-19 globally? Could South Africa reopen the economy through track and trace monitoring of citizenry? Has the hubris of liberalism condemned Hong Kong to tyranny from China, and thus made a war between China and America inevitable? Brought to you by Nando’s.

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