02.06.22 Pt 1 - Gareth and Phumi get into a number of discussions - including the Depp/Heard verdict, the increase in the number of millionaires, and whether driving slower can save you fuel and money. Phumi also does a humble brag about her health!

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30.05.22 Pt 1 - A guy did an ‘Amber Turd’ in a clothing store in Cape Town. SARS warns of a new ‘wallet’ scam targeting South Africans, and Dr Hanan Bushkin joins the team to give expert advice to someone in a tricky situation.

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Aspasia Karras, editor-at-large of Sunday Times Lifestyle, recently wrote an article about how the French press is reporting that Prince Albert of Monaco is paying Princess Charlene a sum of over €10m (R169m) per year to stay in her miserable marriage. Can there really be “no romance without finance”? Dr Hanan Bushkin shares his expert opinion on the matter.

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23.05.22 Pt 1 - Are your table manners up to snuff? Leigh-Ann shares habits that etiquette experts call tacky. Dr Hanan Bushkin then joins the show to give us advice dealing with the power dynamics of money in a relationship.

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19.05.22 Pt 1 - What's the best way to leave a party without having to stay longer than you should? Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ turns 40, and Bakh'abantu has been watching the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial… and the star witness for him was a doorman who did a Zoom testimony while vaping.

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18.05.22 Pt 1 - Simphiwe has a new secret admirer - will it change her relationship status? What’s up with these telemarketing companies that keep calling - even after you beg them to stop! Brett Roux joins the team to talk about a cool event that takes place in the bush.

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This week Dr Hanan talks about the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trial and he shares what the ingredients are for a healthy relationship.

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09.05.22 Pt 1 - Want to become a millionaire? Studying these 6 university subjects will help. Later, Dr Hanan Bushkin joins the show to talk about the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trial.

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06.05.22 Pt 1 - Gareth chats to the Saxby Twins about being discovered on TikTok, and their process of making music. Ben Karpinski joins the show and shares his new morning routine with us.

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05.05.21 Pt 1 - The team discusses the Dave Chapel attack, the Amber Heard trial that keeps surprising everyone day by day. Phumi also goes down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories with the Senzo Meyiwa Case.

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