Joining the team this week is Mighti Jamie, who is a multi-award-winning international Debating and Public Speaking champion. They have a candid conversation about Africa Day, using it as a time to reflect and plan the next 90 years. They then delve into the mass shootings in America, and how gun control could relate to South Africa.

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26.05.22 Pt 2 - Mighti Jamie joins the team to unpack some of the big news stories of the week, including how we’re doing on the African continent, and how gun control relates to South Africa.

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In this episode we take a look at Eritrea, a north east African country on the Red Sea coast. JJ Cornish shares why it’s one of the poorest countries in Africa, and also sheds light on the history of Africa Day. Brought to you by Johannesburg Business School.

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25.05.21 Pt 1 - Why is it that vegans have to announce that they are vegan everywhere they go? Gareth never wants to experience kidney stones or piles. JJ Cornish joins the team to shed light on Eritrea.

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