This week Happiness joins the show to get some help from Dr Hanan Bushkin about dating, and why she seems to attract men who are only physically interested in her. He explains how important it is to have a vetting process to find exactly what you are looking for.

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Leigh-Ann steps up as the patient on today’s show, discussing how she has dealt with severe depression and ADHD for over 20 years. Is medication and therapy enough? Dr Hanan Bushkin breaks down how frameworks and blueprints are essential in life.

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Landi sent us an email asking for Dr Hanan Bushkin’s help, as she has been struggling to self-diagnose her lack of strong emotions. This leads to her wanting to know whether she is a sociopath, or simply has daddy issues.

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Ryno contacted us, hoping that Dr Hanan Bushkin has some advice for him about becoming a more supportive brother. Dr Hanan explains how he should lead with behaviour first, and the emotions will follow.

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15.08.22 Pt 1 - Gareth tries to guess Leigh-Ann’s 3 mystery kitchen utensils and fails dismally! Ndavi Nokeri is the new Miss South Africa, and Dr Hanan Bushkin sheds some light on how to become more supportive.

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This week Ash reached out to seek some advice from Dr Hanan Bushkin about her difficult family situation. He explains how she can process the grief by using a bungee jumping analogy.

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This week Melanie joins the team to seek advice from Dr Hanan Bushkin. She has 2 younger sisters that tend to exclude her, she’s not sure why. She would like to know if she should take it personally, and how to approach them about it.

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Alison joins the show to talk to Dr Hanan Bushkin about moving to another country. He shares tips on how to process all the emotions during the stress of a relocation, which involves a new home, job and country.

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Dr Hanan Bushkin shares his expert advice when it comes to having an affair with a married person. He talks about cheating and the emotional attachments that come with it.

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30.05.22 Pt 1 - A guy did an ‘Amber Turd’ in a clothing store in Cape Town. SARS warns of a new ‘wallet’ scam targeting South Africans, and Dr Hanan Bushkin joins the team to give expert advice to someone in a tricky situation.

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