Legendary South African funny man, Barry Hilton walks Gareth through his Covid business expansion, from corporate card games, to a new concept titled ‘My Life in 3D’ - a talk about Barry’s trifecta of struggles. He does a deep dive with Gareth about his journey over the years… moving out of the East Rand and into the Western Cape, as well as his journey through the “nut house”. No stone is left unturned in this interview, all while leaving you in stitches.

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Leigh-Ann steps up as the patient on today’s show, discussing how she has dealt with severe depression and ADHD for over 20 years. Is medication and therapy enough? Dr Hanan Bushkin breaks down how frameworks and blueprints are essential in life.

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ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a condition associated primarily with children, but is increasingly being diagnosed in adults too. The sufferer has their own challenges to face... but what about the parents, siblings, family, spouses, partners, colleagues, peers, and teachers? How do they live or cope with the sufferer? What role can parents play when a child has ADHD? Our guests this week are psychiatrist Prof Renata Schoeman, and educational psychologist Jessica Cheesman. In proud association with Adcock Ingram OTC Sponsors of Brave.

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Dr Renata Schoeman and Dr Chris Verster join Prof Szabo to discuss the issue of prescribing stimulant medication for enhancing cognitive performance. Is it ethical to prescribe such medication - used to treat sufferers of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) - exclusively for this reason, where individuals do not have ADHD?

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