25.05.23 Pt 1 - Tina Turner has sadly passed away at the age of 83. Gareth and Phumi share some happy memories they have of her trips to South Africa, as well as her influence in the music world. Phumi really wants to get something off her chest about the latest Herman Mashaba book publishing scandal. And Dr Mark joins the show to talk about puberty.

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Mmusi Maimane steps onto The Burning Platform to discuss some of his latest antics in the political space. Gareth is curious how BOSA functions in society, while Phumi asks Mmusi if he is not just the ‘stale bread’ politician building another party to try lead South Africa. Kanthan Pillay asks the ‘burning’ question… what is Mmusi’s stance on BEE in South Africa, and how does he define race?

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06.04.23 Pt 2 - Mmusi Maimane steps onto The Burning Platform to discuss some of his latest antics in the political space. Gareth is curious how BOSA functions in society, while Phumi asks Mmusi if he is not just the ‘stale bread’ politician building another party to try lead South Africa. Kanthan Pillay asks the ‘burning’ question… what is Mmusi’s stance on BEE in South Africa, and how does he define race?

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Writer and analyst at the Institute of Race Relations, Gabriel Crouse joins The Burning Platform this week to discuss Herman Mashaba's recent dig at the IRR, the Digital Misinformation Conference, as well as the ideal coalition that South Africa should be focusing on.

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30.03.23 Pt 2 - Gabriel Crouse, writer and analyst at the Institute of Race Relations, comments on some current topics making headlines right now. This includes the IRR’s work on the Phala Phala cover-up angle, and a coalition fantasy of an ideal takeover in 2024. Kanthan is also very interested in the Digital Disinformation Conference that Gabriel spoke at this past weekend.

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23.03.23 Pt 2 - Helen Zillie joins the show and goes head to head with Kanthan Pillay, as they debate the DA’s main focus on South Africa’s political stage. Phumi is curious about the diversity of upcoming leaders within the party, and a listener wants to hear the DA’s ‘elevator pitch’. The team then discuss world politics.

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Herman Mashaba joins the Burning Platform to discuss his points of view on the upcoming EFF ‘National Shutdown’ on Monday, and to respond to Julius Malema’s comments after being slammed at the EFF press conference yesterday. Ian Cameron shares his opinions on several topics, including how South Africa is becoming a mafia state, and how the SAPS have been captured in the process.

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Ian Cameron is today’s featured guest on The Burning Platform to talk about the upcoming EFF March, amongst other things, as well as comment on how South Africa has become a mafia state with SAPS have been captured in the process. Herman Mashaba drops in to give his comment on Julius Malema slamming him at the EFF Press Conference yesterday and also spill some inside information on the DA during his candidacy for Mayor a few years ago.

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16.03.23 Pt 1 - Gareth and Phumi touch on the planned EFF March coming up on Monday, and whether it could possibly be a ‘nothing burger’. Gareth talks about Helen Zille’s longevity within the DA, and Phumi reflects her feelings on DJ Black Coffee’s upcoming performance at Madison Square Garden in October.

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Gareth and Phumi are joined by Assistant Editor for Breaking News at News24, Sheldon Morais, and the new CEO of the Institute of Race Relations (IRR), John Endres. They have a heated discussion about the State Capture report, the global inflation and interest rate environment, and Cyril Ramphosa being a mediocre president.

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