Two brave women made it out of a cult and lived to tell the tale. Erika Bornman and Celimpilo Malinga were both taken to KwaSizabantu at a young age and raised in the mission. There they were subjected to some disturbing and abusive experiences, and somehow found a way to escape. Hear their incredible stories in this interview.

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13.12.21 Pt 1 - Gareth is welcoming the idea of opening up his own charismatic church, with Mbulelo as the head pastor speaking in tongues. Dr Hanan Bushkin then joins the team to shed some insight on how to deal with bullying and abuse experienced by someone close to you.

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Pt 1 - "You owe it to yourself to save yourself." Lebang Kgosana speaks about a type of Stockholm Syndrome, and what keeps us from leaving toxic relationships.

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Barret, who works at CliffCentral, joins Dr Hanan Bushkin this week to talk about the abuse he experienced as a child, and to get help on how to overcome that trauma.

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What does 'toxic masculinity' mean in 2020? Gareth Cliff is joined by Siyabulela Jentile, Keitumetse Moutloatse and Craig Wilkinson. With special guest Moeletsi Mbeki.

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What are the effects of childhood sexual abuse on adults? Chris Avant Smith speaks to Martin Pelders, the founder of MatrixMen - an organisation which offers support to male survivors of sexual abuse. Brought to you by The T-Clinic.

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24.11.20 Pt 2 - Which words are the most offensive? If you breathe on someone in 2020 it could possibly be considered chemical warfare, so be careful. If your father was to be killed by your warlord uncle, who would you ask for help? Author and board game inventor Khethiwe Zulu joins us to talk about how she intends to make history fun for one and all. Blind History returns, featuring a man who brought a Russian dynasty to its knees - Grigori Rasputin.

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Across the country, we are currently experiencing many schools dealing with students, both past and present, who have had enough. For years now, some high-profile schools have been hiding a wide-range of abuse behind “heritage”, “reputation” or “legacy”. Using the story of Collan Rex (the former water polo coach at Parktown Boys High School, found guilty of 144 charges of sexual assault and 14 of assault, who was sentenced to 23 years in prison) as a background, Sam Cowen chats about uncovering what has been dubbed “institutional abuse” in her new book, Brutal School Ties - The Parktown Boys’ Tragedy.

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