15.09.20 Pt 1 - If you think you want to revolt against your leaders, perhaps leaving fecal matter in their driveway is the only way to express your level of disgust. To be clear, we don't remember Chernobyl, we've seen the show though. Is social media all toxic, or are there shining lights? Plus a catch-up with the one and only Aki Anastasiou!
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Aki Anastasiou
When a 30-year habit ends, how does one adjust? As a man who loved radio so much that he failed a year in high school, Aki Anastasiou has pulled the curtain down on being the voice of traffic information in South Africa... so where to now? What other business interests does he have, how will he pivot as the future unfolds? What life lessons did other radio legends share with him over the years? One thing is for sure, Aki will never be forgotten in the hearts and minds of South Africans everywhere.
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