2020 is almost over - Gareth tries to find the funny in amongst all this mess with comedians Nina Hastie, Eugene Khoza and Joey Rasdien.

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2020 will soon be behind us, and with the possible exceptions of Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, nobody will be sad to see the back of it. But if, like me, you absolutely cannot spend another minute talking about vaccines, masks or curfews, then what I’m about to tell you will (hopefully) feel like something fresh...

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2020 was a year that no one could have predicted. Plagued by the Coronavirus and subsequent disruptions to our daily lives and the global economy, it was extremely difficult to stay on course. In this season finale, Waterfall Management Company’s CEO Willie Vos, and CEO of Attacq, Melt Hamman, look back at how world-class business leadership, unwavering passion and careful planning allowed Waterfall to not only endure, but to accomplish incredible things despite the pandemic. They also look at what lies ahead in 2021.

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22.12.20 Pt 2 - The team believes that, as we get older, we begin to feel more and more like guests every time we visit our parents’ home - and they need to be more accommodating. It seems you can't get a fishing license just to tan on the beach. Tim Richman joins the team to discuss his new book “50 People Who F****d Up South Africa”.

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The power and politics of sport – Gareth and guests explore South Africa’s addiction to games. With Mbulelo Thinta, Ben Karpinski and Siv Ngesi.

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Every year I write something hopeful, something that I wish would help just one person who reads it to have something to reach for in the new year. This has been such a tumultuous year that it almost feels like I need to reconsider everything, even my parting shot for 2020. But have no fear, there’s enough inspiration to go round, even after an annus horribilis like this. I’ll start with the things that have kept me going this year, that have given my life meaning, and perhaps they will strike a chord with something in your life...

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There have been many big stories in 2020, but what do the people who brought us those stories think? Gareth Cliff chats to Barry Bateman, Nwabisa Makunga and Rofhiwa Madzena. Plus... a tribute to Nelson Mandela with Zelda la Grange, Wouter Kellerman and the Soweto Gospel Choir.

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27.11.20 Pt 2 - Listen, people let's get it straight... your life is hard, but could we maybe show a level of respect for lives that are objectively hard - your favourite nightclub closing is not a hard life. If you have a family you hate, do you care if they are dead? There's a delicate balance between being a collector and a hoarder... be careful Russian Doll lady! Let's be honest, parents have a favourite child, if this upsets you, it's because you were not the favourite - too bad, too sad! Kevin Derrick of Creative Rides joins us to discuss the sale of legendary car collector Louis Coetzer's incredible collection.

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