How is your body image affecting your sex life?  More than you know!  Jonti Searll and his team investigate just this.  Special guests include Trans Doctor Anastacia Tomson, Pole Dancing Champion and teacher, Juanita Fouche and from Fashion Lab, Mischa Lensink.


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This exercise is done nude in front of a mirror.

Look at yourself in the mirror. Touch the top of your head & acknowledge yourself as a spiritual being. Honour the god/goddess that you are. Touch your lips & acknowledge the truth, your truth that you speak in the world. Touch your breasts/chest & acknowledge the nourishing & nurturing you give and receive. Touch your heart center in the middle of your chest & acknowledge & honour yourself as a being of love. Touch your stomach & acknowledge your connection to the world.
Touch your hips and acknowledge clear action you take. Touch your genitals & acknowledge & honour yourself as a creative being & a sexual being.

Then close your eyes, imagining your body in the mirror & repeat the exercise.
The 3rd time stand with your hands at your sides, eyes closed & imagine somebody else touching you, acknowledging you.

When doing this with a partner the best way is for you to do it on your own, your partner to do it on their own.
Then come together, sit or stand facing each other and do the exercise once only. You acknowledge them out loud, touching each of the centres and they do the same for you.

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SexTalk – Body Image