The African continent is a spectacle of culture, heritage and abundant beauty. However, over the years its beauty has slowly diminished. The team discusses their experiences and encounter with the African continent. Don't miss the new feature, 'Ask a Gay' with Craig... plus a game of 'Smash or Marry' with Candice.

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The dark age of social media has people chasing fame and gathering social media currency. The team discusses the ups and downs of such fame and its apparent lack of fortune.

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The team looks as different aspects of living as a gay man, and the various challenges for a closeted gay man.

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The team explores a series of topics relating to life, love and hope by sharing their individual stories and experiences... opening up their world to yours.

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How do you know when you've made it financially? Not yet rich and not yet poor... the increase of the middle class has perpetuated consumerism, egotistic spending, and wastage within emerging economies. The team gets into the economics of everyday life.

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Bitten by the passion to succeed in the concrete jungle of the entertainment industry. Our guests share their stories of how they survive this fever.

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Aaron Moloisi is a very familiar face to South Africans, and today we unpack the contrasting journey of this scientist/village boy/media mogul.

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Learning how to connect and express love like never before... the team and guest StarKhulu delves into the depths of intimacy (into me I see).

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The team rides through the show, unpacking the culture of the black motor biking society and black motor biking clubs. It's a crash course experience!

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The team chats to Phemelo Paladi about her life and experiences in the corporate sector as a young black female. This is a conversation worth listening to!

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