Just another ordinary day... or not. Jason Womal captured a rare moment as he was heading out to work. He managed to film a huntsman spider carrying a mouse up the side of a refrigerator! He posted his video on Facebook with the caption ''Ok guys so just letting you all know that the spider is fine. We have named him Hermie, we have adopted him and he is now running his own extermination business out of our town Coppabella. Oh and he is now paying rent. Lol''

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Meet the skin cancer surgeon who owns the world’s largest yo-yo collection - worth $250,000. Dr Lucky Meisenheimer bought his first yo-yo as a teenager and has been collecting them ever since... now owning over 10,000 yo-yos! The surgeon has even turned part of his family home into a yo-yo museum that displays his prized collection. Lucky says: “I own around 10,000 yo-yos, of which 5,000 are different. You can never have too many yo-yos."

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Are you young, single, don't have a baby and live in Japan? Well, if so, this is for you. A recent trend for developing robotic babies has surfaced in Japan due to the increase in unmarried women, so-called 'parasite singles', and a lack of immigration. The purpose of these robotic babies to to encourage couples to become 'parents'.

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We were all told the fable of The Tortoise and the Hare when we were kids and, if you’re anything like us, you were probably thinking: LIES! Luckily for us, someone managed to recreate the race between a rabbit and a tortoise. Despite the rabbit being faster, is it going to be a tortoise victory? Does slow and steady actually win the race?

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It's no secret that married couples face a lot of hurdles, but not like the contestants in the North American Wife Carrying Championship. As the event title implies, a man has to carry his beloved wife over a threshold of an obstacle course featuring log hurdles, sand traps, water hazards and mud. Lots of mud!

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Shocked police were forced into an x-rated chase when a completely naked motorcyclist was seen racing through the streets in the Czech town of Havirov. The ballsy biker was spotted enjoying a ride without a stitch of clothing on - but with the word 'Police' scrawled on his back in marker. After a frantic pursuit, the nudist crashed into the back of a car and ran off through a meadow before police found him hiding behind a tree on a riverbank. Picture: CEN

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What would you do if you saw a giant crocodile swimming toward you? We're pretty sure most people would run for their lives but not this Australian woman. Instead she, unflinching, saw the deadly reptile lurking in the water and opted to clap her flip-flops against her hand to scare the crocodile away.

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Steve the Cat set a goal of becoming a lamb and surprisingly has achieved it. Not only has he been accepted by the flock at his New Zealand home, he has also become the leader of the pack. Steve's owner, Amanda Whitlock has told reporters that "He'll just be walking around the yard and they'll be following." She continued by saying that he would be "playing in the bushes and they'll be inquisitive, looking to see what he's doing and following him through the bushes."

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Move along... nothing to see here... just a chicken playing a tiny piano in a field. Acclaimed French composer and multi-instrumentalist Igorrr lets his beloved chicken Patrick take centre stage for a musical union of epic proportions. In the great pecking order of life, Patrick might just be winging it.

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If you heard someone yell "Duck!", what would you expect to see? You might have thought you were hallucinating if you saw this in your neighbourhood, but it did indeed happen! A giant, inflatable duck, torn from its moorings by strong winds, rolled through the streets in Glasgow, Scotland... and of course it was caught on camera.

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