A very lucky baby was rescued after floating 1km out to sea while her parents sunbathed on the beach. Ten-month-old Melda Ilgın accidentally drifted into open water off a Turkish beach. This footage shows the moment she was rescued by coastguard officers. The coastguard was called in after beachgoers had attempted to reach her but […]

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Wang Kaiyu, a peasant from a village in Maguan county, near the China-Vietnam border, had bought what he thought were two dogs from a Vietnamese seller in 2013. He reared the ‘puppies’ for two years without knowing that they were actually black bears – a nationally protected animal in China. He only realised what had […]

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You’d think that if you got caught robbing a bank, and sent to prison for five years you’d learn some sort of lesson… and not try it again. Not so much for 54-year-old Keith Ney, who robbed a New Jersey bank four months after he was released from prison for robbing the same bank five […]

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If you need to get someone’s attention, try dressing up in a giant penis costume and ejaculate glitter everywhere you go. Norwegian sex education charity RFSU made a PSA in response to Norway’s STI epidemic reminding sexually active youth to stop dicking around and start practicing safe sex. Glitter has long been considered the STI […]

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Police in Russia have raided a hairdressing salon in Moscow, where female stylists cut hair while completely naked. An undercover police officer was shocked after he went undercover at the salon to investigate reports of drug dealing, and was offered an optional service for almost R2 000 where he could be naked during the haircut […]

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While roaming the annual Gay Pride Parade in London, CNN International reporter Lucy Pawle stumbled upon an “unnerving” sight: An unidentified man flying what appeared to be the flag of the jihadist Islamic State (ISIS). However, upon closer inspection, it’s clear the flag is actually adorned with various anal sex toys. Oops!

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A gorilla who grew up in an Australian zoo has become a heartthrob amongst women in Japan. Shabani the gorilla, who now lives in Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Gardens in Nagoya, has attracted a large following of admirers who visit him because he is so ‘handsome’.  

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Pretty sure this guy will never park in a handicapped zone again! This might be the best use of sticky notes ever…  

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Frustrated by the failure of civic authorities in Bangalore to repair a giant pothole and a broken water pipe located in the middle of a main street, artist Baadal Nanjundaswamy turned the pothole into an artificial reptile pond by planting a life-sized crocodile in it. Sure sounds like something we could do in South Africa… […]

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In a very freak accident, a 22-year-old student in China swallowed a 14cm spoon, which then had to be surgically removed. Zhang Weiwei was chatting while eating an ice-cream and walking back to her dorm room when a friend saw her and jumped on her back to greet her. The girl got such a fright […]

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