Another one from the ‘You Just Can’t Make This Stuff Up!’ department… Dominique Lesbirel from Holland is almost ready to marry her dog after her first husband died. The thing is, her first husband was her cat. The upcoming ceremony will be done through, a website Dominique set up in 2003. Read the full […]

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Imagine being in a dance class with 12,974 other people… and you’re setting a Guinness World Record doing it? That’s what happened in Mandaluyong City, near Manila, in the Philippines on Sunday. The previous record was a measly 8,232.  

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Yes, it’s true – pet accessories might have reached a new level of crazy… According to the Twinkle Tush website, “Add some bling to your cat’s bum and watch them strut their stuff. A bare bottom should never be shown in public. Your cat secretly wants it.”  

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How can you tell if someone has too much money? Perhaps if they hire out a 5-star hotel for a birthday party for their pet sea lion? We know – so many things to digest in that sentence… just check out the full story and pics here.  

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A Mexican immigrant in the USA has designed a Donald Trump butt plug. No real need to explain… it makes perfect sense right? Fernando Sosa has previously made a similar sex toy depicting Vladimir Putin. Now Trump can finally stick his head up his own ass!  

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This is one cheeky bird! The lesson is not to leave your camera lying around because you never know who (or what) will be picking it up… But the story has a happy ending as the camera owner ended up with some great footage, and even a seagull selfie.  

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We know how frustrating it can be when your phone battery dies and you don’t have anywhere to charge it. But how many of us have staged a true toddler style tantrum over it, complete with stamping feet and annoying wailing? The poor commuters on this train in Hong Kong muct have been very confused […]

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A picture might be worth a thousand words… but is it worth your life? Russia has released a new campaign and guide on how to take safe selfies. Selfie takers have been pushing the boundaries with extreme and sometimes fatal stunts.  

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South African holidaymaker Adrian Fowler was riding an elephant named Jock, when he dropped his camera attached to a selfie stick. The clever four-legged creature spotted what had happened and quickly scooped up the lost item with his trunk. He then passed it back up to Adrian so he could continue shooting images of the […]

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Twiggy the Waterskiing Squirrel has been on the YouTube circuit for a few years now, but this latest video is just the cutest! A waterskiing squirrel… doesn’t that just make your day?  

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