Drivers tests are so nervewracking... we've all been there! But possibly the worst way to fail, is confusing the brake and accelerator pedals...

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How does the old joke go? A duck wearing a bow-tie walks into a pub... Wait. It gets better. And weirder! Star the duck was enjoying his usual pint (we warned you), when a dog named Meggie started a fight with him.

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Ted Richards from Bristol wants to look like a parrot so desperately, he has had his ears surgically removed. Next step - turning his nose into a beak. You can't make this stuff up.

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Yet another image that pretty much speaks for itself... This innocent-looking tourist simply wanted to see some macaques when she was rudely groped by one!

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  Photographer Max Siedentopf is an artist with a difference. Armed with cardboard and masking tape, he sets out on the streets of Amsterdam looking for cars to ‘pimp’. Click here for more pics of his masterpieces…    

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Some pictures really are worth a thousand words... and they also make you look twice! The lesson is be careful where you stand in airports.

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That awkward moment… when you rev so hard you set your Lambo on fire. And don’t notice.  

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Texan teenager Katelyn Thornley has a rare medical condition that causes her to sneeze up to 12 000 times per day...

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If you thought you had it tough with traffic this morning, you may want to spare a thought for half the population of China that got stuck in the worst traffic jam ever known to mankind...

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A pub owner in Whales has taken the saying - "cut off your nose to spite your face" - to a whole new level...

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