A generous son gives his dad a GoPro to film his trip to Vegas... only problem was he didn't show him which way to point the lens. The result is hilariously absurd!

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The Odense Zoo in Denmark almost lost some of their penquins. Five penguins, probably by “prior agreement”, decided on a mass escape from their cage and almost achieved their goal, before being 'shuffled' back.

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This one is for all the moms... we feel you.

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This really cute picture has gone viral - apparently it was a pregnant woman "practising" how to put on a diaper, using her (clearly very easygoing) cat...

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Ever wondered what would happen if you got out of your car during a car wash? Wonder no more! All is revealed here... and it's rather funny.

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  Swimming naked in the sea… sounds like fun – but if you think about it, it can be quite dangerous for your private bits. One man had a lucky escape when a shark took a bite at his leg as he was happily skinny dipping in Hawaii. Read more here.  

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Some people - usually those who are animal crazy - have waaaaay too much time on their hands... And thank goodness for that or else we wouldn't have this gem of a video!

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A driver crashed his brand new Ferrari, just moments after leaving the dealership in Hungary. LaFerrari is one of the world's most expensive cars - only 499 have been made globally...

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Disgusting or some sort of strange street art? Either way, it's all about to go! After 20 years of people sticking their gum to the walls of an alley by Seattle's Pike Place Market, officials say it's time for a cleanup...

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If you weren't terrified of clowns before, this might change that! People are spotting Wrinkles all over Southwest Florida in the USA. His videos are going viral online, including a video of him lurking in a little girl's room...

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