Break-ups are hard... and even tougher when you still have stuff that reminds you of the failed relationship. That's where the Museum of Broken Relationships comes in. The idea is that couples who break up will donate the things that serve as painful reminders them of their former lover to the museum instead of throwing them out or destroying them. The original museum was in Croatia, but Los Angeles will soon have one too.

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Just because someone is dressed as a superhero, doesn't mean they're not a real villain... and it's not every day you see Batman being led off in cuffs by the cops. A man in a Batman costume was arrested in Times Square after apparently stealing $50 from a tourist and making a run for it. Jose Escalona-Martinez, 42, was dressed up and posing with two Irish tourists when he allegedly pickpocketed one of them and dashed off.

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Nev Sharp from Humpty Doo (yes, it's a real place in Australia) put his belching ability to the test in a soundproof recording studio where he reached 110.6 decibels. The unofficial measurement beats the world record held by Paul Hunn from the UK at 109.9 decibels.

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There have been many odd things spotted on Google Earth over the years... and this one is a bit of a mystery. Although Google seems to have a logical explanation, we prefer to imagine a variety of conspiracy theories.

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A comic book lover turned wacky inventor has come one step closer to realising his dream of becoming a superhero - by building his very own exoskeleton. James Hobson, 25, hand built the exoskeleton in his garage, which he has dubbed the ‘Inventorium’.

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This Lord of the Rings-style house is for sale, for a mere £5.8m (R124.5m). It's the dream home for any fantasy film fans - and it comes with 700 acres of land packed with elk, deer and eagles. It includes an incredible carved wooden door, turrets, a grand fireplace and even a sweeping staircase made from intertwining branches.

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Imagine being unable to walk out of your front door because a hairy weed has taken over your property? That's what has happened in this Australian town, and nobody knows why...

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Tonje, a 27-year-old Swedish girl, started collecting condoms in 2010. Her current collection numbers 1,921 rubbers, all of which line her bedroom walls like a museum. Tonje hopes to pass the 10,000 mark one day...

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Koyuki is a very frowny cat. He might even rival Grumpy Cat someday...

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A man who worked for a local government in Spain was found to have not been doing his job for six years, but he was still getting paid. It wasn’t until Joaquín García (69) was due to be recognised for his hard work that authorities realised his office was sitting empty...

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