It's made global news and has had everyone making that old joke about lions walking in the streets... but now the 'real' footage of the #BraamLion has finally been leaked on Twitter! Take that Wikileaks...

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Can you see a demonic shape in this piece of uncooked meat? Usually it's the face of Jesus Christ in a piece of toast or a muffin, but this is something different and possibly quite evil! The image was sent to a Mexican news website recently - wonder if they cooked it in the hellfire...

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We wonder how Samuel L. Jackson would have handled this one! A massive python measuring more than 8 metres in length has been found in Malaysia - and could set a new record for the biggest snake ever caught. Weighing more than 250kgs, the reticulated python could set a new record with only a handful of specimens previously caught known to exceed more than 6 metres. The python, which required multiple people to carry it, was found on the island of Penang, a developed piece of land located off the country's western coast.

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In what is surely conclusive proof of time travel, a 1,500-year-old mummy has been found rocking a pair of Adidas shoes. Possibly. Archaeologists discovered the partial remains of a female thought to have died over a millennium ago in Mongolia’s Altai Mountains. Only the mummy’s hand and feet have been found, but that is all some need to feel confident that time travel is possible. The feet appear to be in a pair of trainers with the iconic three-stripe logo of the German sportswear brand Adidas.

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There is nothing really exciting about using public transport. That's why one American man decided that Subway users needed a little entertainment during their commute and took some fake book covers onboard with him to film their reactions... hilarious! We're sure you'd agree that some of those fake book titles could actually make for some informative reading if they actually existed.

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This is such a simple and yet clever idea... amazing it took so long to come about. Drown out unwanted bathroom noises with the 'Silent Loo app'. You can choose from Tap, Shower, Costa Rican River or Tsunami - without wasting any real water!

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07 Apr

A hotel guest claims to have found a secret note which probably confirms everyone who has ever been on holiday's worst fear. An image of the letter, written on a hotel's notepad paper, was posted to Reddit, along with the caption: "Heard something crinkle when I settled in for the night..." The note was supposedly written by the previous guest, and says: "If you're reading this then housekeeping did not change your sheets!"

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It's an age-old debate that has driven people crazy and ripped relationships apart... does the toilet paper go over or under? Dr Gilda Carle has now weighed in and added that depending on which way you roll, you are either a dominant (over) or submissive (under) person. Dr Carle used a random sampling of 2000 men and women, aged 18 to 75 of different ethnicities.

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Not only is this video not very safe for work, it's also disturbing in a way that we can only partly understand. We're not here to judge - people must do what they need to do right? And there are probably worse ways to spend a Saturday night.

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What do you do if you have a crush on Scarlett Johansson? Well if you're Hong Kong resident Ricky Ma, you build her - from scratch! Ma, 42, works as a product and graphic designer, but in his spare time, he has spent over $50,000 and a year and a half of his time creating the female robot prototype.

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