A while back we brought you the story of a rat biting a man's ass on the toilet... now something much worse has happened! A large python sank its fangs into a Thai man's penis as he sat on the toilet. He fought the snake as his wife sought help, but even after a neighbour came to his aid with a knife and rope, he only managed to free himself when the python momentarily lost its strength.

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So you're a conspiracy theorist and many people think you're a bit crazy or a freak? But chances are there's someone out there who sees things just like you do, and there's no reason you should both be alone. Help is at hand - in the form of Awake Dating, a dating site "geared toward people who believe the world is controlled by secret organisations".

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An unclaimed light blue, hard-shelled bag has been found at OR Tambo International Airport. With about R8-million worth of crystal meth in it. The unaccompanied bag seems to have travelled all the way from India, via Dubai. And not surprisingly, SARS and the police really want to find its owner! The bag was scanned as it arrived in the country, revealing a “suspicious, sugar-like substance” that was later confirmed to be about five plastic bags of the drug crystal meth.

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A Lykoi kitten, said to be the world’s rarest breed of cat, was recently rescued in Cape Town. The cat, found under a bush, is the only natural-born Lykoi on record in South Africa, and one of just 35 in the world, making this one of the most exciting discoveries in the SA animal world in recent years.

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A naked man who got stuck in a chimney claimed he was playing hide and seek. Brad Sapp and his wife were at work when they heard a strange noise. When they discovered Jordan Kajewski up the chimney, they called in the pros to help get him out, after being stuck for 11 hours! Kajewski was charged with trespassing, but […]

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A fun Flashback for your Friday... these news anchors can't stop laughing at Goliath's giant balls in this classic news blooper video.

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Have you always wanted to lick your cat but been too scared of getting a ball of fur stuck in your throat? Well you soon might be able to solve that problem... A brush in the shape of a rough tongue will soon be a fundraising campaign on the website, Kickstarter. Crazy cat people of the world rejoice!

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A man grabbed onto a helicopter at a public mourning ceremony for murdered activist Jacob Juma in Kenya. The video shows him hanging on for dear life as the chopper climbs into the air. Identified as Saleh Wanjala, he eventually jumped off at a local airstrip and was hospitalised with injuries to his hip and elbow.

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A Chinese policeman has set a new Guinness World Record for holding the plank position. In a contest which also featured the previous record-holder, Mao Weidong remained in the position for just over eight hours - and looked like he could have gone on for longer! And then he did some push-ups afterwards. Because he clearly wasn't quite tired enough. Some people just make the rest of us look useless...

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A Los Angeles news station has come under fire after it forced a morning meteorologist to put on a cardigan live on-air, when viewers complained about her dress. Liberte Chan was delivering the 8am weather report when a grey cardigan suddenly popped into view, held by morning anchor Chris Burrous, who was off-camera. The awkward interruption quickly caught the attention of the Twitterverse, with many saying they were outraged that the station forced Liberte to cover up while she was doing her job.

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