This little red squirrel was only 4 weeks old when he fell four storeys behind Decan Anderson's building in Denmark. The little guy suffered a nasty chest wound from the fall and was abandoned by his mother, until Anderson came to his aid. He adopted the baby and now they're best friends.

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An Atlanta woman has whipped up a social media storm by announcing she quit her job to breastfeed her boyfriend full-time. Jennifer Mulford, 36, claimed she wanted to start an Adult Breastfeeding Relationship (ABR) with her partner Brad Leeson, also 36, after reading about the bond breastfeeding could create between two people. Mulford said that because she had not given birth recently, she would have to dry feed Leeson every two hours to trick her body into producing milk.

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Everyone is excited by the possibilities of 3D printing... and now here's another astounding result of the technology. This 3D building in Dubai took only 17 days to print and the office itself took just 2 days to install. The project is part of Dubai's strategy to turn the city centre into a completely 3D printed space by 2030.

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How far would you go to get a smartphone? The people in this small Eastern European town are willing to sacrifice a body part. Literally. We can't really put our finger on whether this story is true or not...

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Bud is an African Grey parrot who may have witnessed his owner’s murder. In the video above he can be heard saying (in what is apparently the victim's voice), "Don't f***ing shoot!" - after mimicking an argument between him and his wife, who is a suspect. It wouldn't be the first time a feathered pet fingered a murderer... a similar case happened in India in 2014.

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Jonathan Quiñonez is a 27-year-old model and consultant, who quit his job earlier this year to travel the world. Before he left, he set up an Instagram account, Mom I’m Fine, where he could keep his mom updated on his adventures (and let her know he was still ok).

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Less than an hour after a LEGO exhibit opened in Chine, a massive sculpture of Nick - the fox character from the film Zootopia- was destroyed. A child knocked the LEGO statue over, shattering it into thousands of individual LEGO pieces. The artist was surprisingly understanding - considering the piece was valued at around $15 000 (R230 000)!

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Rebecca Malope is a South African gospel legend... but we prefer her like this!

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A service is offering busy men and women the opportunity to pay for a cuddle session with a professional cuddler. The non-sexual practice is taking off in New York City with lonely, career-driven people finding less and less time for relationships. The service is also popular with married women, who have husbands who are too busy to provide the affection they need.

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This family is un-bear-lievable! Meet the household that sits down to dinner with a bear at the table. Svetlana and Yuriy Panteleenko, from Russia (of course), might seem the ordinary couple, except for their unusual pet... a 23-year-old bear named Stepan. At more than 7ft tall, Stepan is so domesticated that the family have been known to sit down in the evenings to watch television together.

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