A student with a bad spider phobia said that she ordered a takeaway just so that the delivery driver could remove one from her corridor. Demi Sweeney, 22, spent £13 on a KFC and sent a message to the delivery service asking if they could send someone less afraid of spiders. However, the driver was just as nervous as she was when he arrived...

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It's the new (audio) version of the dress debate, and it's creating fights and chaos on social media again!

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Berkley the bear is a year old and lives at the Wildlife Discovery Park in Alberta, Canada. She also really likes ice-cream... and clearly enjoys a drive too. Not everyone was amused by Berkley's sweet little joyride though - the zoo is facing charges for failing to notify authorities ahead of time, a requirement under Canadian wildlife law.

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A British company director who fitted a laser jammer to his Range Rover and made rude gestures as he drove past police safety cameras has been jailed. Timothy Hill gave the finger to the cameras thinking he was immune – but the police managed to track him down, and he admitted he had fitted the device to his car...

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What is creepier than a life-like doll? How about a vampire doll. In a graveyard. With its own bottle of blood. Whose eyes follow you wherever you go. Nope! Just nope.

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As if one Furby isn't scary enough, imagine 44 of them 'singing' in unison. Sam Battle hacked the toys together to build the world’s first (and hopefully last) Furby organ. Why? Probably because he could... and to haunt our dreams!

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Diana Ringo (39) from San Diego, California wears her corset for 23 hours every day - only taking it off when she showers or works out. The result is a 45cm waistline, which she claims makes her feel sexy. The mother of three started wearing her waist-shrinking garments nearly three years ago after she lost her natural curves following the birth of her twin boys.

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Ever wished you could be like a virtual fly on the wall, chilling at home while 'being' somewhere else? Now a human Uber can make this a reality... using a real person instead of pure screen and cable connections.

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This kangaroo was captured in a saucy pose, blocking the entrance of a public bathroom at a national park in Australia, and Twitter responded pretty much as expected. Clearly he's ready for #TwentySlayteen, so the rest of us better 'hop' on board...

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It seems that December weight gain has spread to all walks of life. Sherman is an Israeli hedgehog who has been deemed overweight by a hospital zoo and been placed on strict diet and exercise plans, as he even struggled to curl up in a ball due to his excess weight.

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