Brandon Travis is an extreme sports junkie who is heavily into base jumping and skydiving. Brandon discusses his early days of getting into the extreme sports, and what those first few times were like. The guys talk about how Trump was unable to repeal Obamacare, even though he had majorities in both the House and Senate. Mark then looks at Google shopping searches in the US… which state is the biggest on Borat-style mankinis? Find out on The Q!

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Funny man Jonathan May joins Mark Bland and Jason to talk about his time as a military police officer and dealing with suicides and other assorted issues. Jonathan also discusses growing up black and the effects of white culture and black culture on him as a person. Mark and Jason get into the newest Trump news - including Kellyanne's newest statement on the state of microwaves in the US. Also, how being dismissive to Angela Merkel and not shaking her hand could have deeper implications.

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It's been a few years since the Mike Brown/Ferguson incident and the family claimed that Mike would never rob a store. New video has now emerged which tells a fuller story. Mark Bland and Alex Elias discuss this video in detail and look at the ramifications and if there are any new points of view to take from this. They also inspect the why and how of the case regarding this new info… and if the rioting would still have happened or not.

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Obama supposedly wiretapped Trump Towers to spy on Trump during the 2016 election and campaign. The guys decide to break it all down and discuss the potential endgame for Obama - if any existed at all. Mark and Jason Kull also discuss top documentaries you need to see… and also impart some great advice that anyone can use.

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Spending more than an entire year’s worth of travel of the previous president in one month, or fake Swedish security people coming on FOX news to try and bolster the already dismal BS story from years earlier… it's just another day in the Trump Presidency. Mark and Jason Kull discuss the most prominent political stories of the week and give their opinion. Bill Paxton passed away shortly before the show and the guys reminisce about their favourite movies and TV shows he was involved in, which leads to a deeper conversation about the careers of other well-known people and what they accomplished in the business of movies too.

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Three hundred shows is not an easy thing to accomplish and The Q with Mark Bland has finally made it after 7 years. On this show, Mark is joined by Jason Kull and Producer Bobby as they discuss Trump’s amazing third FAKE attack that never existed at all, but his team keeps making them up. They also chat about his new-found fascination of denouncing the media and challenging the credibility of their profession. Mark also brings up some questions from the fans and listeners and this leads to a discussion about the worst things about porn... which brings up Bobby's story.

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Jason Kull joins the show to discuss Mark's new theory that Donald Trump's decisions seem to be coming from a potential illness. Mark also directly alludes to the fact that there is tons of video and proof of Trump's inability to read. Shouldn't the president of the USA be able to read well? Seems like half the population doesn't care. The guys also tackle some dilemmas and discuss whether there was anyone in history who they would like to get into an argument with… Hitler, the Pope, Nostradamus?

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On this episode, we focus on the need for someone to put Trump in a checks and balances type situation. His entire team is going off the rails and making weird and dumb claims that are hurting his brand and Presidency. First up, we discuss Kellyanne Conway and her need to create fake and false massacres to feed the Muslim Ban. She went on another political show on TV and stated that because of the "Bowling Green Massacre”… that's why the ban is needed. Only problem is that it never happened and she completely made it up! Another alternative fact.

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President Donald Trump has had a busy first week in office and at the end of it he decided to ban people from seven specific Middle Eastern countries that have terrorist ties. But the issue is that he left a few other countries that are also terror-based off the list. Why? Maybe he has economic ties to those countries, or maybe he doesn't feel they are a threat at all. Regardless, the hashtag #MuslimBan seems to be taking the entire world by storm as country after country denounces this US stance. But first, Kayo Bracey joins the show to discuss hip hop and growing up in North Carolina over the past few years with all the confederate flag talk and now Trump becoming the president. He tells us a little about his upbringing as well as his influences coming from the home of hip hop legend Petey Pablo.

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Well he's the President now and with that starts the reign of Donald Trump. And right off the bat, Trump sent new White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer out to let the media know, "We don't like you!”… all because the world showed pictures of the small turnout for the inauguration of Trump. Kellyanne Conway decided to put the brakes on and stated that Spicer had uttered some “alternative facts”, which is just another phrase for LYING. So Mark and his team decide to delve in and discuss the Alternative Facts. As well as an Alternative Universe we seem to be in now.

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