What would you do if a wild animal got hold of your child? Would you panic, would you attempt to kill it, or sit by in shock? A family in Cincinnati found out last month at the zoo, when their child climbed over the protective cage and fell into the gorilla pit. Of course this created a whirlwind of controversy with animal rights people since the gorilla had to be put down. Mark discusses the fake outrage of people and their need to want to put an animal's life over that of a child. Producer Bobby weighs in with his opinion.

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Justin 'Deyemofo' Deming joins the show to discuss Trump, Hillary, Bernie and how generalisations become a serious hinderance of the current political climate. Mark discusses the new email issues for Hillary Clinton and the two men break down the true differences between conservatives and liberals. Plus a little tattoo talk to boot.

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Mark is joined by Producer Bobby to discuss the shallowness of society in 2016. Mark also talks about a fan of the show tagging Bobby in an inappropriate tweet, and how people should handle themselves on social media.

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Mark Bland and Producer Bobby discuss the number one selling college sports jersey of all time, which leads to a further discussion about NFL Draft Day. Then, would Trump be a good president or not. Would he be at the White House all the time, or would he take more vacations than Obama?

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Special guest, wrestler Jordan/Sam Lacey, joins in on The Q to partake in the many discussions. Firstly he talks a bit about his background in wrestling before discussing what he does currently. Meanwhile, Mark goes off on a tangent about doctors and believes that the US is a country filled with shysters and frauds. To find out more, best listen in…

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Andy Echele returns to the show to discuss the fire tax that some people across the US have to pay. Andy and Mark also debate the US government’s decision to remove Andrew Jackson from the $20 bill.

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First up, Mark Bland and Producer Bobby discuss the biggest story in the USA currently which is Donald Trump explaining that it is alright for women to be punished for having an abortion. Of course, this set off the entire country, pitting liberals and conservatives that defend Trump at each other’s throats. Producer Bobby explains why he feels that Trump is technically correct and Mark tries to hone in on what Bobby wants done to fix the issue.

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Former co-host of ‘Absolute Wrestling Radio’, Andy Echele, talks to Mark Bland about the Panama Papers which have sent the world into a tizzy, costing the Prime Minister of Iceland his job as well as implicating potentially one of the most powerful men in the world, Vladamir Putin. Mark and Andy investigate the impact and fallout, if any.

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Actor, storyteller and futurist, Ed Reggi, brings his flamboyant opinions and thoughts to the show for the third time. He’s not the only blast from the past, Matt Krueger also joins in to mix things up. Mark Bland then rants about the way he was treated after commenting on a FOX Facebook post.

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Before Russian YouTube sensation Vitaly and his wife make the trip back to the USSR, Mark decides to bring him on the show to talk about Donald Trump, the Brussels attacks and the value of living in 2016.

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