Mark is joined by St. Louis entrepreneur Alex Elias to discuss his upbringing and thoughts on the local entrepreneurial community. But the main story is about the $20m lawsuit filed by the Arch Defenders against Ferguson, regarding the arrest of 4 people during the 2014 rioting. The rioters claim it was an injustice and unfair attack on their rights, but they were let off in the end… so does the lawsuit have merit? Plus a little Trump/Clinton talk with Alex defending his claims that Hillary is polarising.

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‘The Donald’ (Trump) is not doing well in the polls… the controversial presidential candidate is losing by 10-15 points behind Hillary Clinton. Mark and Producer Bobby talk about the point spread and why it mirrors the actual vibe and feel of the USA currently. Also, Trump decided to be mean to a young mother this week and the two discuss whether he was in the right or wrong.

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Sean Vincent is a professional wrestler and he jumps in to discuss politics, the Democratic National Convention, his upbringing and how it has affected his adulthood and some of his views on it. Sean also talks about his recent Facebook live video, where he decided to tackle the topic of race relations in the US and grabbed a good friend to sit down and talk about the issue in a very open manner. Mark and Sean touch on some of these subjects and talk about their value in 2016.

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Comedian and friend of the show Jake Ashlock stops by to talk politics. Melania Trump, the Donald's wife, decided to step on stage at the RNC and give a speech. The only problem is that it wasn't completely her speech. It seems that Donald, his party and their attitude is all about walking all over people, taking what they want and being generally dismissive and disrespectful. Mark and Jake discuss.

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Producer Bobby is back and the game sweeping the nation is Pokemon Go. It has kids and adults tripping over themselves all over the world. More chaos in the streets of the USA as officers are killed in Dallas and Baton Rouge on the heels of the two police shootings in Baton Rouge and Minneapolis. Is it a summer thing? What is the end game for everyone in this situation?

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It’s been a turbulent week in the USA with police getting shot at and two men getting killed by police officers. The Black Lives Matters discussion resurfaces, which came about from good ole St. Louis, MO a few years back with the Mike Brown/Ferguson situation. Guest Justin ‘Deyemofo’ Deming joins as they also look at the first world problem of Mark and Little Caesars.

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The people of Britain have spoken and decided to leave the European Union. Mark goes on a rant about BREXIT… what it means for the US and the world, as well as his opinions on all the people who have suddenly became a expert on the situation. Producer Bobby joins to discuss and give his two cents. Image by Vector Open Stock.

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Andy Echele is back to discuss the gun issue in the USA and talk about how the shooting in Orlando has many facets that need to be focused on. Should guns be legal or not? Where is the line between protection and constitutional rights? Do the rights in the Constitution from 200+ years ago even apply effectively to our day and age with assault weapons?

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Justin Deming returns to discuss a situation out of St. Louis where a guy purposely shot at his baby and the baby’s mother, then tried running them off the road and killing them as a concerned citizen tried driving the shot baby to a local hospital. They also touch on the transgender bathroom issue and discussion in the US currently.

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Pro-wrestler Shawn Soto and comedian Anthony Rogers sit in on this episode of The Q. Hillary seems to have locked up the Democratic nomination and the guys discuss this in full. When Mark asks about political affiliation and who the two guys would vote for, the Libertarian comes out of Shawn and Anthony takes a much more valiant stance...

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