Curtis Wylde joins Mark to weigh in on the Trump/Clinton campaigns, those emails, and the Clinton Foundation situation. Should you vote for Trump? Should you vote for Clinton? With a week left until the voting tsunami happens, the two make their case. They also look at a list of conspiracy theories that were supposed to come true in 2016… did they hold any weight at all?

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Mark, Producer Bobby, and Jason bring you the yearly Halloween show, discussing their 3 favourite Halloween horror movies to watch. But with the election still so much up in the air, the guys also discuss the Third Debate and all the other craziness. Women are coming forward and accusing Trump of sexual misconduct, Hillary is getting daily barrages of her staff’s email discussing battle plans and some sensitive things... and there’s a Solar Eclipse that is going to cover the USA next year.

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Producer Bobby and Jason Kull sit in to discuss this election that has become a complete carnival with the latest Billy Bush/Donald Trump pervert tape that was released. Multiple women have come out and said that the Trumpster has been a bad boy. Trump came out swinging and even threw in a direct threat at the second election debate - this guy might not be playing with a full deck. Plus a look at what Vladimir Putin, Russia, and the Syrian situation.

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Well the VPs had a debate and it was eventful. Mike Pence definitely proved to be the solid co-contender for his boss Donald Trump. Tim Kaine held his own, but there were many fine grey areas in this discussion. Jason Kull joins the show to discuss the stance of Kaine and Pence, as well as to break down why you should vote conservative or democrat this election. Also, it seems that Bozo has been on everyone's minds for a couple of weeks now as the clowns have invaded America! Jason and Mark have a unique stance on the Clown Epidemic. Should you be scared and how far will this go?

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​Mark and his guest, former co-host Andy Echele, discuss the DEBATES! Who won, who didn't and how long will it be before we have a pretty solid consensus on who the next President of the US will be. Also, Mark and Andy discuss the pilgrims and their origins and why they came over here and how the laws of the land applied to them back then versus our time period today. Finally, Andy goes on a tagent to explain why he prefers the ideals of Anarchy over the current laws and ideals of the USA as it stands today. All this and much more on this riveting episode of The Q!

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HD Reeves jumps is back to talk comedy and what’s going on in his life. The biggest story of the show is the two new police shootings that have to be discussed - and Mark makes a plea deal, hopefully the world will listen... find out what it is. HD and Mark also decide to tackle the fact that Trump is starting to make a move in the polls and what it means for them as a nation.

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Producer Bobby and Mark announce that they are currently looking for a new co-host of The Q. They take on the newest controversy hitting the 2016 campaign trail... HILLARY'S HEALTH! Is it something to worry about or just banter from the right? Bobby then takes on the well-known rules of survival regarding animals and life. The two get into a deep discussion about the applicable ones and the ones they thought were right, when actually they were wrong.

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Colin Kaepernick decides to not stand for the national anthem and the USA goes into shock. Was it a good idea or bad one? Producer Bobby is here and he has a lot of pent up NFL aggression to take out, see what he has to say. Finally Mark discusses the aftermath and value of Donald Trump visiting Mexico right before he throws the Mexicans under a US bus with his Arizona Immigration speech.

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Darian Wigfall is the head of a local hip hop and entertainment collective called The Far Fetched Collective. He also had the pleasure, or lack of pleasure, of being front row for multiple days in 2014 during the Ferguson Riots. Darian comes in to sit down and discuss if black and white people have made strides in the two years since Ferguson. Also, with the out of control reaction Milwaukee had to a situation that was clearly not what they thought, where does fake outrage for the sake of being angry play into all of this in the current climate?

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Matt Krueger joins the show to discuss his upcoming wedding, but it takes a weird twist when Mark starts asking some personal questions regarding their relationship. To be honest, Matt only came on the show to get his hat back. Then the guys switch gears and discuss the fresh Milwaukee Riot situation that was spurred on by the fact that an armed suspect was shot and killed by a black police officer… even though the entire riot was based on the belief that the cop was white and the subject was black and unarmed. Find out where our host and guest fall regarding their opinions on this situation.

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