On this episode, Alex Elias and Jason Kull, joined by Board op Stephan, come together with Mark to discuss the newest revelations, including the continued need to lash out at NBC's Saturday Night Live for parodying him again. But, the best is when political commentator Jonathan Harris jumps on the line with Mark and the crew to discuss where this presidency is going and if there is any light at the end of the tunnel. A big discussion is the way Trump treated Jim Accosta from CNN this past week during Trump's surreal first press conference since winning the November election.

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Will Trump keep a single promise he made to the people of the United States? Matt Krueger jumps in and joins Mark, Bobby, Jason and Schep to break down these ideas and promises. The guys tangle it up about whether Obama has created more divisiveness during the 8 years that he was President. Rob Schamberger from the WWE also joins to talk about his early interests in being an artist.

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The guys speak to retired pro wrestler and amazing artist Dartallion Allen. Also known in wrestling as Eric Allen, Dartallion discusses his earliest influences and how he did some tryout work with Marvel. From there, Jason Kull and Schep jump in for the discussion about Donald Trump and what is going on for this year. Mark has a list of predictions he's calling now, and many of them seem to have a common theme.

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Rick Pearlstein joins the show to discuss his books called Nixonland and The Invisible Bridge. Mark, Jason, Bobby, and Schep talk to him about the Donald Trump presidency and who he thinks he most resembles out of past presidents. He discusses the Republican party through the ‘60s into the ‘70s and ‘80s, and drops some pearls of wisdom that he uncovered while researching the book. This is the Christmas show and Santa has a naughty and nice list, and there are some common naughty things that people in the US prescribe to. Do any of the cast fall into these locations... find out on the last Q of 2016!

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Mark Bland, Jason Kull, Producer Bobby and Board op John are joined by special guest Alex Elias as they discuss the latest movements in the Trump transition and how they don't look like it’s going to be a smooth trip. Mark touches on how people (if they are unhappy with Trump being President) should view and handle news stories from now on. Finally, the team focuses on how their zodiac signs attract people to them and a discussion about a lady, a guy and their unborn baby. The team is divided on whether the man in the relationship should have as much power and say in the relationship to do what he did.

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Mark Bland and Jason Kull welcome Darius Jackson to the show to discuss the world for minorities during this Donald Trump transition. What does black and minority culture think is going to happen over the next 4 years? Darius has some serious questions regarding Donald Trump and thoughts on Betsy DeVos taking over the Department of Education under Trump. She's planning on instituting a potential voucher plan for schools - find out what the guys think about this plan and how it might lead back to less pleasant times.

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Anarchy was a wrestling organisation based just outside of St. Louis, MO with a fanbase was like no other. Pierre Abernathy and Evan Gelistico are back on the show to discuss their folding of St. Louis Anarchy Wrestling and the beginning of their new venture. The guys also discuss wrestling as a business and how it should be handled at all times, and the ups and downs of indie wrestling. Mark still throws in some politics discussing the Trump Transition and if the extreme attitudes of some of the picks will bode well, being implemented in such a fast fashion.

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Mark Bland and Jason Kull discuss the transition and some of the aura around the picks and moves that Donald Trump, the President-Elect, is making. A ton of work goes into making good choices and his choices seem very controversial in the long idealistic stances that many of them have. They also discuss how Trump has back-pedalled on almost every major campaign promise he made. Mark then reads some questions from the listeners... one is a truly moral dilemma!

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The jokes and folly that is the candidate for President, Donald Tump, took a turn for the real with his victory in the 2016 Election. Mark is joined on this historic episode by Jason Kull and Andy Echele... Andy (the more conservative) and Jason (the more democratic), weigh in with Mark on what this election means for the country. Mark explains in great detail the three things that led to Hillary's defeat - and they aren't easy to swallow thoughts for most liberals and moderates.

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Jason Kull and Mark Bland are back with some audio goodness for your ears. First up is the reason why Hell Froze Over... the Chicago Cubs won the WORLD SERIES! As a St. Louis-based show, we do enjoy and like our Cardinals, but their rivals winning the World Series is definitely a sore point for many. They also talk about Election 2016 and try to make some sense of it.

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