The Money Shot with Anthea Gardner. Moody’s released their quarterly review of SA’s credit rating. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the SA economy? The March Manufacturing Output number was released. PIC the biggest pension fund in the country, sold their 2.5% BEE stake in Capitec. Tigerbrands released a trading update. And Brait announced […]

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The All Share Index hit a high last week, what’s happened now? How are vehicle sales doing? Should you sell Imperial? Ellies share fell 15%… why? Anthea explains why you should buy Transaction Capital. And how will Greece pay its civil servants?

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The market hit an all-time high. What’s happened with the All Share Index? How’s the MTN share price looking? What’s Pioneer Foods doing? Anthea then highlights all the developments in the shares. And what’s the details on the Twitter leak?

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How is the xenophobic violence affecting the markets? What did Brait announce? Is Naspers too expensive? Why did Anthea sell her Grand Parade shares? And what’s happening with the Ashley Madison website?

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Anthea has all the information on money. What are your shares doing, what companies are doing well, or badly. Should you still buy Capitec?

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