Tanja from ‘Celltone Celebrate & Donate’ talks about this initiative that asks people to donate at their celebrations and events (so instead of getting gifts that you might not use on your birthday, you choose to let your friends donate to a worthy cause instead).

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Brent Lindeque and Kerri Stein kick off the show with their regular catch up, reporting on all the news that really matters while focusing on the top 5 trending good news stories in the world. They then interview George Scola...

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On this episode it’s all about using sport to do good things. Representatives from the CANSA Get Your Pink On Challenge talk about how the Bulls are kicking it off. We also hear about the Beast Challenge as well as the amazing projects that Sanofi are up to.

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From Africa Tikkun, Catherine Van Schoor talks about their amazing Toyi-Toyi for Happiness campaign before Natalie Tanyeli who recently launched an IT academy for youth in need talks about her amazing initiative. All of this along with your regular dose of good news stories from around the world. Be inspired to make a positive difference in the world.

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Brent Lindeque and Kerri Stein catch you up on all the good stuff by reporting the news that really matters and focusing on the top five trending good news stories in the world. Then, Dr Dirk Koekemoer, Kelly Du Plessis and Mark Sham stop by to tell us about their amazing projects and initiatives.

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Nobuhle from UWC pops past to tell us about their amazing international education campaign and then Stan Andrews provides an update on the life changing projects that he is busy with. Also don't miss Brent Lindeque and Kerri Stein giving you the rundown of all the good news stories happening in your world. Be inspired and uplifted!

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AJ Swanepoel from Headway Tshwane pops past to talk about their Brain Awareness Campaign. Brent Lindeque also catches you up on all the latest good news stories from South Africa and across the world.

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Arlene Mulder from 'We Think Code' pops by with some of her students. She was on the show before, but now the doors of the free coding university have officially opened so she's gives an update. Brent Lindeque then chats to Roy Blumenthal about his Free People’s Liberation Library.

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The team is joined by Sammy, an entrepreneur who was raised in Tembisa. Sammy always had a passion for creation and innovation which led him to invent the Skyrule Twyst as a concept. We also hear from Fallon Kotze who’s heading a Cancer Awareness Campaign through the Tasha's restaurant branches to raise money for CHOC. As if that wasn't enough, Mr South Africa himself, John Owens joins in on the cancer awareness campaigning.

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Besides reporting on all the good news stories that really matter, Brent Lindeque and Kerri Stein also speak to the team from Goodbye Malaria about the amazing work they do and also find out about their Valentine’s Day campaign.

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