“Why South Africa will not be over in five years”. There’s nothing more annoying than when an opinion piece written on a blog gets picked up by a news website and placed in their column section. All of a sudden, opinion becomes fact. The truth is that we’re not going anywhere and South Africa is […]

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Discussing all the good stuff you need to know and look forward to in June. We give you the top 5 good news stories for the week, chat about a charity drive, things to do in honour of Youth Day, speak to a guy who created a LoadShedding map-app (to avoid loadshedded areas,) and hear […]

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Together with Rianette Leibowitz, Brent discusses the good side of social media, as well as the best ways to deal with internet trolls.

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Together with Andrew Ross, Brent discusses how his drink was spiked and what he thinks the perpetrators hoped to achieve by this. Being The Good Stuff, we will give you practical solutions to this problem which will help you protect yourself and your loved ones. Then Rubber Duc and The Motherland pop in to tell […]

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Together with co-host Nikki Abott we focus on “Good stuff in Business… how businesses can help communities do better?” Our special guest is Justin Spratt, CEO of Quirk, who gives advice on how businesses can make a good and sustainable difference in the lives of the less fortunate. Our charity for this edition is ‘Pledge […]

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Together with co-host Jason Greer we discuss all the good stuff that we can look forward to in May. We also feature the top five trending social media stories and how to change one thing. Finally, actor Atandwa Kani tells us what he’s been up to.

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Together with co-host Nikki Abbott, Brent chats about all the good stuff trending on social media as well as freedom day, the Nepal earthquake and May Day.

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Brent with co-host, the bucket list guy, Robby Kojetin talk about keeping motivated even during these tough times such as current xenophobia attacks and load-shedding.

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Every month we find awesome celebrities making a difference, in April we feature Mark Pilgrim, from corporate, to radio, to TV and even a business owner, Mark is one of South Africa’s most loved celebs. He is also a friend of The Reach for a Dream Foundation and a patron of CANSA.

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Together with co-host Jason Greer we explore all the good things to look forward to in April. Vita Nova and a representative from Cotlands join in on the conversation.

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