In an interesting (but not surprising) turn of events this week, CliffCentral's very own Jane goes from guest to presenter extraordinaire. Join the ladies as they decide to get Jane in their corner... or is it Jane's corner??? Talk about flipping the unscript!

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Loice Chaza has been able to move from one living wage to another. Hear how she used to hustle before she earned a reasonable wage and what her dreams look like now that she has some financial breathing room. Whilst last week's show walked us through how to implement a living wage, this week's show reveals the impact that it has on the receiver.

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Founder of one of Johannesburg's most beloved coffee companies, Jonathan Robinson, is in studio to tell us how he got his 40-strong staff body onto living wages. We get his take and approach on equity, bonuses, overtime, training and more.

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How much could you achieve if your housekeeper knew how to drive? If there was an accident in your pool could your housekeeper swim to your rescue and administer first aid? Does your housekeeper know how to defend herself and safeguard your home against neighborhood crime? These questions and more as the ladies reveal the hidden superpowers of housekeepers in South African homes.

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The tensions between social classes of the same cultural or racial groups is no new thing. This is most felt around the cleaners in our corporate offices or at the mall, and of course with the domestic workers in our private homes. Besides the discomfort of having to give orders to someone old enough to be your parent, you could also be accused of thinking you are better than them when you lay down your expectations of them. Middle-class black female advertiser Ayanda Dlamini comes in to discuss the dilemma, or maybe the myth of being a 'better black'.

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If you've hung around the CliffCentral Headquarters then you've probably met Jane. And once you have, you may feel like you've known her forever. But there's plenty more to this force of nature than meets the eye, and it comes as no surprise that her middle name means 'she who controls the rain'. Find out this and more about her journey from running away to Joburg at age 16, to selling vetkoek on dusty streets, to bringing laughs and capturing hearts here at

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Felicia and Sally left Zimbabwe 15 and 12 years ago respectively. They came to share with us how and where they started when they got to South Africa, who helped them, and what their futures look like from where they’re standing. From man drama to expiry dates to black tax, you might just find something you relate to.

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Simphiwe Mthethwa is in studio to talk about the Ma(i)de Sessions and to educate us on creating authentic content. Turns out the thing even more important than taking back the land is taking back our stories. Plus find out why South African audiences deserve better from the entertainment and media industries.

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UBUNTU - 'A person is a person through other people'. Although beautiful in theory, many have argued its misuse and sometimes abuse, like how Africans might have practiced this when the settlers first reached our shores and that is what got us colonised. Can Ubuntu be used to hold someone’s principles against them for their own benefit? Is Ubuntu expected of some and not of others, and is that being taken advantage of by some? Architecture student Simphiwe Mlambo, who is in the process of designing an Ubuntu Centre at Constitution Hill, explores this dreamy philosophy in both its glory and misgivings as we ask: where to from here?

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Mbali wrote a poem about domestic workers. Turns out it's about all of us, and the good old game of life. If you fancy a reality check then here it is.

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