Prof. David Block is joined by Lead Pastor of Gracepoint Gary Rivas and they chat about his journey, life choices and experiences.
Read moreToday Prof David Block is joined by Professor Edvige Corbelli all the way from Florence, Italy. She talks about her life, her work and career focusing on her remarkable insights on the topic of Van Gogh and the colours of the stars.
Read moreProfessor Block is joined by Professor Marcus Byrne from the University of the Witwatersrand whose research revolves around the use of insects for biological control, which mainly include dung beetles. He tells us all about his findings and how dung beetles are able to use the Milky Way to navigate through life.
Read moreProfessor Block is joined by Mathematics and Chess guru Adam Earle and they talk about the concept of critical thinking.
Read moreToday Professor Block looks up with the CEO of the FNB Consumer Division who tells us about his journey and gives us advice on how to succeed in your respective career and life by knowing your strengths and weaknesses and perfecting your timing in everything you set out to do.
Read moreProf. Block is joined by SRC President of University of The Witswatersrand, Shafee Verachia, and they discuss what South Africans – especially the youth – can draw from the Mandela Legacy.
Read moreProfessor David Block has a guest Professor Micheal Sears from Wits University and they discuss remote sensing, kimberlite and alterations
Read moreDr. Graeme Codrington is a South African author, futurist and strategy consultant and he joins Prof. David Block in studio to tell us what it really is that futurists do all day. Dr. Codrington pulls no punches and does not sugar coat his answers. He tells us what he sees for the future of humanity […]
Read moreProf. David Block speaks to Prof. Ray Durrheim – a geophysicist who holds the South African Research Chair in Earthquake, Exploration and Mining Seismology. He studies the causes and effects of earthquakes, and uses the vibrations produced by earthquakes and explosions to study the Earth’s deep interior and then uses this information to deduce the […]
Read moreWhat is the state of higher education in South Africa? Prof Block and his guest Prof Adam Habib, Vice Chancellor of Wits University, answer these questions and more on higher education in SA.
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