Live from London, Bianca Bass joins Arye Kellman on Skype to talk about an interesting article she wrote on called 'Simple, Tried and Tested Ways to Be More Creative'. She takes him through the various steps one can take, and how she believes anyone can be a creative.

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Written by Isaac Moorhouse on, should we fear success is the question Arye Kellman asks T.K. Coleman who inspired the piece. Arye finds out why he should and shouldn't fear success, and how everyone who is successful had to go through some kind of a struggle to get to where they are.

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Kat Ely is the designer and founder of Clear Design Lab which is a consultancy firm that is changing the way physical products get designed and developed. She helps answer the question of the week which is - "How Unknowingly Bias Are We?" This is based on an article she wrote on that talks about how the world is mainly designed to suit men.

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After losing her brother to a drug overdose, Stephanie Wittels Wach who lives in Houston, Texas with her husband Mike and their spirited young toddler Iris, decided to write a piece on while sitting in her car, on the loss she suffered. She takes Arye Kellman through how she thinks we should move on after losing a loved one, and how she had to still raise her daughter while dealing with a death.

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Should I stop giving a f**k? Live from Las Terrenas in the Dominican Republic, Sarah Knight is on Skype to help answer this question based on an article she wrote on entitled 'You Need To Stop Giving A F**k About What Other People Think'. She talks about how adopting this attitude can change your life!

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Does one ever really get closure? To find out the answer to this question, Arye Kellman is joined by contributor Tor Bair who wrote a fascinating article on this subject. Find out what he has to say on the topic of closure.

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Being a new year and all, Arye Kellman decided to get some perspective on New Year's resolutions and what they really mean. He gets advice from Blogger Gillian Watts who is based in Canada. She wrote a piece called 'The 7-Step Guide To Following Through With Your New Year’s Resolutions' on She takes Arye through these steps and gives him tips on how to reach his goals.

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Regular contributor T.K. Coleman joins Arye Kellman to provide encouragement and wisdom to become the greatest version of oneself possible. T.K. touches on the logic behind gossip and how it is a way for people to bring "great" people down to their level. He also broaches the topic of peer pressure and New Year's resolutions.

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Kovie Biakolo, who has become a friend of #Kellman on CliffCentral, joins the show from Chicago, to talk about an article she wrote on entitled 'Some Thoughts On How To Love Better'. Her and Arye Kellman have a thought-provoking conversation about what it really means to love.

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John Schnettgoecke is a Millennial who fell headfirst into an epic quarter-life crisis, quit his job, fled the country and fell off a motorcycle somewhere near the Equator. He talks to Arye Kellman about how all these events changed and shaped his life, and also helps answer the question of the day - "what's in a habit?"

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