Martin DeWee is a four-time South African natural heavyweight bodybuilding champion and author of Drug Free Muscle Training. He has also reached over 300,000 children by speaking at over 330 schools about the danger of drugs in sport. He joins Arye Kellman to help him understand muscle training a little better and how one shouldn't spend more than 40 minutes in the gym, as well as what winter comfort foods are ok to eat health wise.

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Nathalie Mat is back to give Arye Kellman tips on how to live a happy and healthier life. They talk about proteins and the effect they have on the body, the benefits of using protein after exercise and the truth about protein shakes.

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Shaun Woolf who has been cooking ever since he could stand on a chair to reach the counter top, joins Arye Kellman for a session of nutritional advice. As a type two diabetic, he talks about what nutritional value some foods have, and what foods should be avoided.

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Nikki Friedman is the national Brand Manager for FitBit and also represents a host of other exciting technology brands which she distributes in South Africa. She talks to Arye Kellman about how tech and fitness relate, what a FitBit actually does, how it stores all your information and how it changes people’s lives for the better.

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Felix Maisey-Curtis was born in Auckland but raised in England. He sees New Zealand as his best leap into the international scene given the standard of British long-jumping. He talks to Arye Kellman about what drives him as an athlete and what actually goes into long jump.

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Shaye Best and Peter Gaiser from Look Better Naked Fitness Studio in Cape Town join Arye Kellman via Skype to talk about their passion for fitness and how spirituality ties into it, how people don't take their fitness seriously and how people perceive exercise.

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Julian Reichman-Israelsohn has been involved in the sporting arena since primary school. He went on to specialise in Martial Arts, Sports Management, Personal Training and CrossFit. Julian sits down with Arye Kellman to share his knowledge of the body and how you can get the most out of yours. It doesn't have to be a struggle everyday to stay in shape, small changes here and there can make the world of difference!

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Catriona Boffard is one of Africa’s most recognised authorities on sex. She joins Arye Kellman on Skype live from her home in London where she is on a sabbatical to talk about oral sex tips for ladies and how technology is harming your relationship.

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Do you spend every January on diet because you eat and drink way too much over December? Well Arye Kellman and our resident dietician Nathalie Mat discuss how you can enjoy your holiday and reach the new year without gaining excessive weight or giving your liver too much of a hard time.

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Former football player, turned gym owner and model Ryan Botha provides advice on healthy eating and training...

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