This sign language interpreted video has been adapted from the podcast 'Blind History' - created by and Taylor Blinds & Shutters. Dracula is a fictional character… a satanic creature that drinks the blood of its victims. Bram Stoker made that creature up, but the real-life inspiration of Vlad Dracul is much more sinister – a cruel, sadistic monster that put thousands of people to death in the most unimaginably vicious ways. Find out about Vlad the Impaler – how he got his name, what he did and why you should be glad he’s in Blind History and not in your living room.

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This sign language interpreted video has been adapted from the podcast 'Blind History' - created by and Taylor Blinds & Shutters. The great leader of the US Civil Rights Movement. An iconic figure who was both deeply spiritual and practical. A pacifist, orator, family man and preacher. There are few who would say he lived long enough to achieve all his bold ambitions, but he lived long enough to make an enormous impact. Join Anthony Mederer and Gareth Cliff as they start the next season of Blind History with Martin Luther King, Jr.

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This sign language interpreted video has been adapted from the podcast 'Blind History' - created by and Taylor Blinds & Shutters. Socrates, Aristotle and Plato are the fathers of Western (if not world) philosophy. Despite us knowing so little about their lives, they have an enduring influence on every aspect of our thinking and understanding. The university, the academy, the school... these things all come from the three great philosophers - men who actually lived, and knew each other. It's time we got to know them.

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