It seems that almost every day we are hearing that someone we know has either died, or is in hospital - and lately it’s mostly Covid related. Our social media feeds are full of RIPs or messages of hope and support for someone in ICU. These are our friends, family members and colleagues. How do we deal with this overwhelming and seemingly endless cycle of loss on a personal level? Dr Hanan Bushkin tells us how we as a nation can handle the potential ‘grief pandemic’.

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The phrase “addictive personality” gets tossed around a lot these days. Dr Hanan Bushkin unpacks whether an addictive personality is a real thing, what addiction is, and how your environment plays a huge role.

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Dr Hanan Bushkin answers a question from one of the listeners about self regulation, and not using other people’s validation to feel good. He debunks the theory of not needing the feedback of others to feel better about yourself.

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Dr Hanan Bushkin unpacks the saviour complex and what it might mean if you have the need to constantly ‘save’ people by fixing their problems. He shares some of the characteristics and tendencies of this complex, and also points out possible ways to overcome it.

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This week Dr Hanan Bushkin shares how to create safe spaces for your loved ones in order for them to open up about whatever they are going through, and the difference between making someone feel better and actually helping them. There are even a few Oprah moments!

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Dr Hanan Bushkin explains how comparison is the thief of all joy. What people should do instead, is chase their own goals. Learn to focus on comparing yourself to become a better version of yourself.

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Dr Hanan Bushkin joins the team to have a candid conversation about mental health and the impact of the Covid-19 vaccine. He advises that people shouldn't wait for happiness, but should dance while the music is playing... and the importance of being able to adjust to new situations that may occur in your life.

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The world is going through tremendous chaos and change, individuals and corporations are trying to adapt to this change with little or no guide or reference point. What is the public ‘bidding’ for? Emotional stability? Consistency? Answers? Hope? Leadership? A blueprint? An escape? Dr Hanan Bushkin - renowned psychologist and head of the Anxiety and Trauma Clinic - chats to Gareth about all this and more.

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