Another typical excursion on the East Rand... but this time with urine.

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A wedding, a bakkie, and a woman who gives hidings in Benoni...

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Two girls from The 'Vale decide to go try out Illovo, but the night gets out of hand...

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What type of person tells a cop to freeze after being arrested? Only in the East Rand...

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How many times can your drink get stolen off the bar before you take drastic action?

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What happens when four guys find a pile of bricks, in a cul-de-sac, in the 'Vale? Nothing good of course...

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Some East Rand girls want to set the record straight that they aren't all skanks that go to the shops barefoot. But where are the East Rand's best girls from? Find out here.

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A new Gareth Cliff Show feature - episode 1 of #EastRanders features a 'Vale' story of cheap drinks, slutty girls, and a local band's singer that gets some Arabian Goggles.

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