The Futurology team speaks to The Better Trading Company Managing Director, Stephen Wormald, about how they are changing rural farming through big data. They chat about how this impacts food stability and the future sustainability of farmers.

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The Futurology show welcomes back Jeffrey Mann from Gartner to tell us more about the 2017 Symposium and the Aspiring Innovators Programme. Your hosts Brett Lindsay, Brett St Clair and Michael Cowen get personal and discuss what makes them tick as humans, philosophers, disruptors and renegades. The team also welcomes Francois Brill of BIGBrave to discuss 'Design Thinking' - what it means, what it does and how it’s changing the way we look at the future. #thefutureiscoming

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The Futurology team chats to Strate CEO, Monica Singer, about how Strate is using Blockchain for the electronic settlement of financial instruments in South Africa (bonds, money markets, equities).

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The Futurology team reviews the past few episodes and discusses the impact of disruption on society, education, business and daily living. As always they look to the future and forecast areas of change that are still to come. #thefutureiscoming

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The world is moving so fast and the Futurology team look at how we compete and win while testing and iterating. Justin Coetsee of Ignitor joins the Bretts and Michael.

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This week the Futurology team take on the future of machine learning - what does it all mean? Listen to the discussion around the ins and outs of Machine Learning, AI and the impact of all of this progress on jobs, innovation and the future.

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Are we a smarter or wiser society and what is the impact on our careers? Brett Lindsay, Brett St Clair, and Michael Cowen - with guest Karen Walstra, Head of Education at Google - take a look at how the connected world has allowed us to socially share fails of others, but also to have access to a wealth of global collaborative knowledge.

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Brett Lindsay (B2) is joined in studio by Michael Cowen and Brett St. Clair to discuss part 2 of the Future of Change - how yesterday affected today and how tomorrow will affect the future!

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The Futurology show is looking forward (surprise) to how the state of the world and tech advancements of today will shape the world of tomorrow and beyond. Join us as we discuss transport, AI, jobs, and learning.

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The Bretts attempt to finish their feast of CES (hopefully the ADHD doesn’t kick in again!). They also chat about energy being the new internet and Object Recognition in AR.

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