The Futurology Team brings you some insights episodes around the release of the most highly-anticipated slide deck in Silicon Valley, Mary Meeker’s Digital Insights. This year’s report includes 355 slides and tons of information and the team take a look at some of the topics in the report.

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The Futurology Team chats to Yatish Nasri, the CXO of Design Partnership, about the future of Retail Design. With online retailers like Amazon leading the charge, technology has had a massive impact on how people shop and the experience they have. The change is speeding up. Digital meets the Physical, and we see online retailers treading where other traditional retailers are failing - into Bricks and Mortar. We look into the world of retail design, experience and where this is all going!

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Following on from the last episode of the Future of Startups, the team chats to Brett Commaille (yes another Brett) about the future of the VC space and how it has evolved over the many years and where it is going to. Brett is the CEO of Angle Hub, an angel investment business that operates out of Cape Town.

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The Futurology Team chats to Will Green (@willjngreen) about the future of startups, where we throw back on what startups meant 10 years ago to now... and then throw forward to what a startup could be like in the future. Will is a successful founder in the world of media with Apurimac Media, where he partnered with businesses like Yahoo. Now he is back out there in the world of Fintechs and changing humanity with his new startup Colab.

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The Futurology team chats to Suren Govender (@suren_govender), CEO of Fibered, about where the world of connectivity is going. Why is this so important? Well, the cloud starts in the ground. In fact, without connectivity we have nothing and our future is dependent on how connectivity gets rolled out. This is really a show about the future of our future.

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The Futurology Team chats to Dr Craig Nossel, head of Vitality Wellness - Discovery’s incentive-based wellness programme - about where the future of health is going. They look at the shift from prevention to proactive well-being and happiness. #whatsthefuture #lookbackthrowforward

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The Futurology team chats to Wayne Bishop, MD of phd Media Johannesburg, about where media has come from and is going to. They explore how media has changed from the days where we just had TV, print and radio... to the new digital age and the impact that technology has on how people make buying decisions.

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Brett Lindsay spends time discussing SXSW with Gareth Cliff after his recent trip to Austin, Texas to attend and present at SXSW. They discuss some of the amazing things coming out of this year's show, and what the future looks like with all the new technology being revealed.

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The Futurology Team chats to Lee Naik and Brett Loubser - two experts on the topic of where data has come from and where it's going to. They explore how humanity has stored and used data in the past, going as far back as rock paintings... all the way through to what the future holds for data when it comes to Quantum storage and real time data streamed from billions of IoT sensors. A complicated topic which is the basis of everything that is happening in digital, artificial intelligence and the future of life or death. Now THAT is deep!

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The Futurology Team chats to Jon Hoehler about the future of mobile... and also get an update about MWC 2017, which happened earlier this year in Barcelona. Five years ago mobile was all about the penetration of devices and network coverage at the best possible price point. We have seen a major trend of smartphone growth and drop in price of data. Apps and device features have changed the way we live - where is it going and what are the driving forces? What is the hot networking technology that is redefining connectivity?

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